March 16 2017

Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers

Ørestads Boulevard 114-118, 2300 Copenhagen


The Summit – Bridge the Gap Between Marketing & Sales

Alignment between Marketing and Sales is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. Getting marketing & sales teams to work better together should be organizational goal number one. It will dramatically improve marketing ROI, sales productivity, and, most importantly, top-line growth

Reality - however - is that Sales is from Mars and Marketing is from Venus.

Both teams typically have different goals, different mindsets and different expectations of each other. In addition, addressing the issues head on will be challenged by a number of organizational, cultural and structural barriers. 

Winning the clients and taking the market is an expensive endeavor and much money and many efforts are wasted because goals, strategies and efforts are lost in translation.

At The Summit you will get professional inspiration, tools and the answers to a successful interaction between sales and marketing. With greater synchronicity you will be well on your way to increased success in todays disruptive business-environment. 

9:00 - 9:15
Welcome by the founders
9:15 - 10:15
Keynote: Peter Fisk - Gamechangers
Creating Innovative Strategies for Business
Learn from the Gamechangers
10:15 - 11:15
Keynote: David Meerman Scott
How Marketing should lead business transformation & drive growth
11:15 - 11:25
11:25 - 12:10
Marketing track - Aligned Customer focus improve bottom line
Get the answer on how you can create the connection between strategic customer focus with operational customer interaction. 
This workshop with provide you with insights based on cases and practical tools so you will be able to prioritise and (re)focus the initiatives that create most value for your customers - and you.

Be inspired by:
Christian Linnelyst, Head of Private, Epinion
Nils Budde, Head of Group Commercial & Support, Epinion

11:25 - 12:10
People track - "How to make sales and marketing a team"
In any company we need to join forces. How can sales and marketing be working together driven by purpose and win the market. Building one high performance team.
Be inspired by: Mads Winkel Olsen, Partner in intenz

11:25 - 12:10
Sales track - Is selling hot or not?
The business model for sales is changing. You can end up as a dinosaur or be fit and ready for the future. Get perspectives how to work in the new world of sales.
Be inspired by: Mads Winther, Partner in intenz

12:10 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:45
Marketing track - "Is social medias selling or marketing?"
Social medias are probably here to last. But how can you integrate SoMe in your sales and marketing work and make canvassing and contact to new customers easier?
Be inspired by: Thomas Thomsen, Partner in Konxion

13:00 - 13:45
People track - To be announced
13:00 - 13:45
Sales track - To be announced
13:45 - 13:55
13:55 - 14:55
Keynote: Brian Mayne - Goalmapping
Personal Leadership
Let you direct your own life and to achieve ambitious goals
14:55 - 15:30
Case session: ATEA - learn how the CMO & CSO are bridging the gap
15:30 - 16:15
Keyntote: Jens Aaløse Koncerndirektør, Group CCO
16:15 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:30
Keynote: Matthew Dixon - The Challenger Sale
Learn to take control of the customer conversation and maximise the potential of your sales
17:30 - 17:40
Closing remarks
17:40 - 19:15
Networkbar, DJ & Lounge
19:15 - 21:30
VIP Dinner

Keynote speaker

Jens Aaløse
Om Jens Aaløse Interes.... Read more
Matthew Dixon
Matthew Dixon, Ph.D. # 1 Best Se.... Read more
Peter Fisk
Peter Fisk.... Read more
Brian Mayne
Goal Mapping – Activating your Whole-.... Read more

Are you ready for The Summit? Get your ticket today and join us

Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers

Ørestads Boulevard 114-118, 2300 Copenhagen


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