Task Force ZERO

Sustaining the safety mindset during the energy transition

May 19 2022

Esbjerg Musikhus

Havnegade 18 6700 Esbjerg

Task Force Zero 2022

The energy industry is changing. New companies are rising and becoming strong utility owners of the energy of tomorrow and others are going out of business. The traditional upstream oil and gas companies are slowly but steadily establishing new business ventures in the renewable energy industry. This poses the question of how we ensure that the energy industries collectively continue to be safe and committed to sending all our people home safe every day while at the same time facing the tough circumstances and challenges an industry in change presents. At this year’s safety conference, we will be looking at change and how it affects our people, our organizations, and our culture.

For decades, the offshore industry has developed a sound and solid approach to safety. Today, the safety mindset is at the very core of how business is run in many companies both onshore and offshore. But how can we ensure that the excellent safety mindset of those industries can be successfully maintained during the ongoing changes that the energy transition pledge?

Experts and safety leaders from around the world will make the TFZ 2022 safety leadership conference come to life by sharing examples and experiences on how they have worked in periods of change, keeping a safety mindset throughout the entire organization from top management to frontline workers. Stories from industries that have already learned the lesson will help others to inspire and adopt the shared learnings to sustain a safe mindset during the energy transition.

Registration date has been ended, please contact event organizer.
07:30 - 08:30
Registration and breakfast
08:30 - 08:32
Safety briefing
08:32 - 08:40
Opening address
08:40 - 09:00
Offshore Safety Award 2022
09:00 - 10:00
Interactive drama: It was a 5-minute job, but everything changed forever
2macs present their world-renowned, interactive drama case study. Meet David Collins and Martin Baker, technicians working in Renewables – on a windfarm. One of them is about to have an accident, suffering a life-changing injury. Using our tightly-controlled drama methods, we look at why this will happen. Working with both men, the audience will experience a highly enjoyable and memorable process, working with both characters to not only prevent the accident happening but also to positively influence the mindset of both men, thus improving their longer-term safety behaviour.
10:00 - 10:30
Refreshment break
With juicebar sponsored by Semco Maritime
10:30 - 11:20
Chornobyl then, now … and now – fostering leadership for resilience
Change can result from demands made by internal and external stakeholders. Change can also result from unexpected situations. The human and organizational factors for managing both sudden and planned change are similar. Examining the organizational change management that results from accident management can teach us a lot about building resilience in our organizations. In the nuclear industry a lot has been identified from these type of examinations. The lessons have been integrated into the international safety standards for protecting people and the environment. Most of what has been identified is generic and human-centered and thus applicable to any industry. The presentation will share the information identified from the Chornobyl accident 36 years ago, what has been learned and not learned from the past and current situation at the site. Practical approaches on how to foster leadership that will facilitate resilience in the organization and increase the likelihood of successful change management will be shared as well. 
11:20 - 12:00
How Macondo, Texas City and Buncefield have enlightened Organizational Blindness
Organizational blindness and complacency leading to accidents are certainly not unique to the Oil & Gas industry.O&G tragedies have helped mature process and personal safety to new heights in the last decades.
But today, it becomes the energy industry's responsibility to ensure that past common lessons drawn are not forgotten and equally benefit the fast growing renewable energies' businesses.


Because, the specific safety challenges of renewables have readily available solutions based on O&G practices - it in the proper safety and environmental designs of new projets, in the recipes of safety performance or in the HSE organizational construct best adapted to renewable energies.
I offer to illustrate the above having led in a major O&G company resolutely transitioning since years to renewables' safer ways.
12:00 - 12:30
Safety talk: Sustaining the safety mindset (Part I)
Disasters are nearly always something we couldn’t imagine. Hence, it is often difficult for leaders to relate to previous disasters, especially, if they happened in different industries. Nevertheless, the deeper learnings are often generic independent of industry. But how do we make them accessible to other industries/trades e.g., how does a leader in renewables learn from Chernobyl? What is the process? Do we have any good examples? What are the enablers? What are the challenges?
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00
Thinking health, safety, and wellbeing
In recent years there has been a massive change in orientation in the mindset of the health and safety world. From the criticism “we shout safety but only whisper health” we now have departments re-naming themselves ‘Wellbeing, Health and Safety” with mental health in particular front and centre. This reflects a growing appreciation that we are 30 times as likely to lose a colleague to suicide as to an accident and that the link between mindset, empowerment, engagement and accidents is both strong and causal - and likely to get far worse as the effects of long covid are felt. The impact on mind-set of the industry shift from oil and gas to renewables and all the challenge and uncertainty associated with that only adds to the issue. The good news is that the methodologies needed to provide strong cultural leadership to address this are well known and proven to deliver integrated, holistic and human focused cultural excellence. It’s a win:win as both an opportunity and a necessity.
14:00 - 14:40
Bringing the Person Back into Safety reflecting caring and helping

In order to develop and sustain our efforts in risk and safety, we as leaders need to bring the human back into our efforts by moving from the traditional risk and safety approach to one that finds the balance between workspace controls, psychological and cultural elements. This approach reflects caring and helping as well as a move away from a telling approach to one of engagement, an approach that considers the true meaning of culture.

14:40 - 15:10
Safety talk: Sustaining the safety mindset (Part II)
Discussions to improve “safety” are more and more challenged by arguments of “more people are being damaged by long-term effects of the working environment and stress than by physical accidents”. Therefore, we must  deal with the working environment to a much larger extent before we go on with traditional safety talks. But how do we do this? How can we integrate health and wellbeing into safety? How do we handle the interface with HR? What is similar – and what is different? What are the challenges? What are the enablers? What are the pitfalls and the tips’n’tricks? 
15:10 - 15:40
Refreshment break
15:40 - 16:20
TARGET ZERO: Saipem's journey to ZERO fatalities: Our strategy to face the storm of change
Saipem operates within an industry characterised by constant changes, fluctuations and market evolutions. Yet in this challenging context, Saipem finally achieved its target of zero fatal accidents in 2021. An extraordinary result that did not occur through luck or chance. It happened thanks to a transformation process which started 15 years ago, in the relentless pursuit to building a positive and lasting health and safety culture, by multiplying effective safety leadership. The foundation of this process is the Leadership in Health and Safety programme, which has equipped leaders with the moral compass and a positive mindset to become mature safety leaders, capable of managing the waves of change, influencing behaviours and, above all, constantly maintaining a strong safety focus.
16:20 - 17:00
Choose your flightpath
Do you want to motivate and inspire your staff to demonstrate outstanding leadership and teamwork under pressure; to stride confidently towards purposeful goals and maintain focus in high risk environments? These critical success factors are clearly demonstrated by Mandy Hickson’s unique experiences of flying in a Front Line Tornado Squadron within hostile environments. Mandy will share her own experiences reflecting on the safety journey that aviation has also taken, since the introduction of human factors training.
17:00 - 17:30
Safety Talk: Sustaining the safety mindset (Part III)
Understanding change and how it affects our people, our organizations, and our culture is crucial for how we navigate safety. But can safety be put in generic terms to cover both huge organizations faced with complex challenges and the risks faced by a front-line worker when flying a tornado squadron patrolling the ‘No Fly’ zone over Iraq? What are generic learnings we can take home? How can we learn from each other, across industries? Both ways? What’s working? and how do we establish a room in which this cross-industry learning can happen and floourish
17:30 - 18:00
Reception in foyer
With refreshments sponsored by RelyOn Nutec
17:30 - 17:30
Conference closing
18:00 - 21:00
Safety Award Dinner
19:30 - 20:15
Dinner speaker
Matt Hazelton will in his dinner speech share the story about a workplace accident that has affected his life forever. Matt was a director of a company and on his site he painfully lost two brothers and two good friends. In this emotive hard hitting story Matt discusses the accident itself, the constant hassle he received from the media and the court case he had to endure being a director of a company. Very hard hitting, raw and effective session from Matt to help increase awareness in all levels of Safety.


Diamond sponsor (CO-host)


Xavier Bontemps
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Brian Darlington
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Tim Marsh
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Davide Scotti
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