About NordCase

Information about Nordcase

Nordic Casemix Centre (NCC) was created in 2008 by the Nordic healthcare organizations to promote casemix cooperation. Before this (2003-2008) the Nordic Centre for Classifications in Health Care in Uppsala was a common arena for developing and managing the NordDRG system.

The NCC coordinates the maintenance, updating and further development of the NordDRG system. The NordDRG cooperation is led by the Board of the Centre and by an Expert Group with members nominated by all participating countries.
The NordDRG system is owned by the following national DRG centres of the participating countries: the Danish Health Data Authority in Denmark, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities in Finland, the Ministry of Health in Iceland, The Norwegian Directorate of Health in Norway, and the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden
Nordic Casemix Centre works in close collaboration with the owner organizations, and also with the national DRG centres of the participating countries such as the Estonian Health Insurance Fund in Estonia, the National Health Service in Latvia.
The NCC office is located in Helsinki, Finland.
For more information, www.nordcase.org

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