PCSI 35th Annual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
The 35th annual Patient Classification System International (PCSI) conference will be held on the 27-30 September 2022 in Reykjavík, Iceland. This annual conference is the opportunity for experts in the area of patient classification to meet and exchange ideas and is being co-hosted by the Icelandic Ministry of Health and Nordcase.
These opportunities represent excellent occasions for a company or companies to become a unique sponsor for an event and be acknowledged as such by PCSI.
The Patient Classification Systems International (PCSI) is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at bringing together people across the world who research, develop and use patient classification (casemix) systems. As such, the PCSI is grateful to sponsors for supporting this aim, through sponsoring networking events at the conference and the ability for PCSI to support delegates to get to the conference who would otherwise not be able to financially. The sponsors for he 35th PCSI conference are:
3M Health Information Systems is the sponsor of the Poster Demonstration being held on Wednesday 28th September 2022. The Poster Demonstration is an important event supplementing the oral presentations during the conference, giving alternative means for delegates to share their research with the casemix community.
PowerHealth Solutions is a general conference sponsor. The sponsorship fees from PowerHealth are being used for PCSI activities.