About PCSI


Information about PCSI

The Patient Classification Systems International (PCSI) is a non-profit organisation aimed at bringing together people across the world who research, develop and use patient classification (casemix) systems.
The organisation was founded in 1987 in Lisbon, Portugal. From an initial focus on Diagnosis Related Group (DRGs), the PCSI’s goals have expanded to include other care types and settings, and applications beyond funding. PCSI is the only worldwide organization addressing casemix issues and continues to stimulate the use and refinement of the science of "grouping patients" three decades after its inception.
Apart from the conferences, the PCSI runs two residential schools on a regular basis, one aimed at casemix foundations and the other at more advanced concepts. The faculty of both schools are highly respected practitioners in casemix.


For more information, www.PCSInternational.org

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