Folketidende Gruppen
FOLKETIDENDE GRUPPEN is a media group that offers a wide range of opportunities within communication, information, Entertainment as well as marketing both in print and in electronic media. FOLKETIDENDE GRUPPEN carries out the following activities: - Production and publishing of these local newspapers: Folketidende, Ugeavisen Guldborgsund, Ugeavisen Lolland, Saxkjøbing Avis and the online newspaper Folketidende.dk. - Radio Sydhavsøerne - A radio station with local news and information, advertisements, music, competitions, etc. - Distribution of advertisements, newspapers, brochures, etc. directly to the homes of Lolland Falster - CLUB 1 Advertising agency develops designs for all kinds of advertisements, printed matters, logos, façade signs, websites and social media. Layout and printing of labels, flyers, booklets, signboards, posters etc. FOLKETIDENDE GRUPPEN can assist with advice about marketing using digital platforms and social media. We can also produce videos for introductory presentation or advertising purposes, e.g. for use on websites and social media platforms (Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.).
https://folketidende.dk – +45 5488 0200
Jørgen Holst
Abonnementschef , Folketidende Gruppen