SmartGuard is the market leader in temporary technical security solutions for construction sites with sister offices in Denmark, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and United Kingdom and has many years of experience in advising and servicing our customers. We deliver unique and customized technical security- and safety solutions that contribute to solid and good financial results for our customers as well as security for employees, subcontractors and construction workers in general. We do this with a professionally committed team of employees, high-quality products and systems that monitor the operations at the construction site and thus ensure full functionality 24 hours a day. Our solutions are “sold” and delivered on a daily rental basis with a fixed price on installation, remote, monthly service and general maintenance - all for a fixed monthly cost that makes it easy for you to calculate and budget throughout the whole construction period. Our solutions are operationally monitored from a national police-approved control center to ensure ongoing operation at the construction site, functionality, and proactive security.
Casper Jee Wilken