Volker Krömker
Professor, KU SUND IVH Husdyrprod./SundhedProfessor MSO Cattle Health, Dr. med. vet. habil., Dip. ECBHM, FTA Milchhygiene, FTA, Epidemiologie.
- Farmer
- Veterinarian
- 5 years practitioner (cattle and horses)
- 6 years university Hanover (milk hygiene)
- 3 years Chamber of Agriculture (similar to SEGES) Udder health service
- 15 years professor milk microbiology and milk hygiene University Hanover
- From 2019 professor Copenhagen University, cattle herd health
- Research mostly on mastitis
Speaker til følgende sessioner-
09:50 - 10:35 (New) mastitis pathogens - consequences for prophylaxis and therapy?