• Anne Söderlund

    Ph.d., Professor in Physiotherapy, School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University

    Anne Söderlund, PhD, is a professor in Physiotherapy with behavioral medicine profile at School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden. She is also affiliated professor at Arcada University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland.

    Söderlund is a leader of a multidisciplinary group, BeMe-Health, of 20 researchers. Her research area is on prevention, treatment, and evaluation of health problems from a behavioral medicine perspective in the physiotherapy framework. Her research is focused on the individual's behavior and ability for functioning in everyday life in different ages. She has more than 100 published scientific articles. She is member of the European Pain Federation Academy Board. She is also an Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Physiotherapy.

    Taler til følgende sessioner
    • 14:45 - 16:15 Self-management? Hvordan faciliterer vi egenhåndtering hos personer med kroniske lidelser?
      • ”Self-managament - a shift of paradigm” . Hvad betyder begrebet Self-management og hvilken betydning har facilitering af self-management for rollen af fysioterapeuten der behandler patienter med kroniske smerter?
      • "Self-management strategies for persons with chronic diseases, what language to use". Hvordan kan fysioterapeuter kommunikere for at facilitere self-management adfærd hos patienterne 
      • "How to facilitate adherence to and maintenance of Self-management behaviour in people with chronic conditions". Hvordan kan fysioterapeuter facilitere fastholdelse af self-management adfærd hos patienter?
      Patienter med kroniske sygdomme udgør en stor udfordring i sundhedsvæsenet. At forbedre patienters egenhåndtering (self-management) er kernen i behandling af mange sygdomme, fx i behandlingen af fx hjerte-kar-sygdomme og diabetes. De senere år er også relevansen af at facilitere egenhåndtering hos personer med kroniske smerter blevet tydelig. Det medfører at fysioterapeutens rolle ændres fra at være diagnostiker og behandler til at være vejledende, faciliterende, uddannende og motiverende med fokus på hjælp til selvhjælp for at opretholde en så normal og meningsfyldt livsførelse som muligt for patienterne.

      Fysioterapeuter er grundlæggende uddannet efter en biomedicinsk forståelsesramme med fokus på diagnoser og behandlingsmålsætninger på kropsniveau som smertefrihed og normale led- og muskelfunktioner. Fokus på egenhåndtering hos patienterne med kroniske smerter er en behandlingstilgang baseret på en psykosocial forståelsesramme centreret mod ændret smerteadfærd, -forståelse og -attitude og målsætninger rettet mod funktions-, og deltagelsesniveau samt livskvalitet. Det er et paradigmeskift i fysioterapeutens rolle.

      Relevant viden er genereret om bl.a. patientinddragelse, værdibaserede målsætninger, interventioner med egenhåndtering som kerne, effekt-mekanismer af disse, og hvordan disse kan anvendes i praksis, for hvilke patienter, mm. 

      Der er brug for at fysioterapeuter bliver opdateret og introduceret til værktøjer til at facilitere egenhåndtering i klinisk praksis.  Førende forskere og klinikere vil formidle denne viden på en praksisnær måde i dette symposium. 

      • ”Self-managament - a shift of paradigm” . Hvad betyder begrebet Self-management og hvilken betydning har facilitering af self-management for rollen af fysioterapeuten der behandler patienter med kroniske smerter? v. Alice Kongsted
      • "Self-management strategies for persons with chronic diseases, what language to use". Hvordan kan fysioterapeuter kommunikere for at facilitere self-management adfærd hos patienterne V. Toby Newton-John (online)
      • "How to facilitate adherence to and maintenance of Self-management behaviour in people with chronic conditions". Hvordan kan fysioterapeuter facilitere fastholdelse af self-management adfærd hos patienter? v. Anne Söderlund

      •    Alice Kongsted, professor musculoskeletal research in primary care, Center for Muskler og Led, SDU

      •    Toby Newton-John, associate professor, clinical psychologist, Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney (online)

      •    Anne Söderlund, professor in physiotherapy, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Mälardalen University

      Inge Ris

      Inge Ris

      Se præsentation
      Se Anne Söderlunds præsentation
      Se Alice Kongsteds præsentation
      Se Toby Newton-Johns online præsentation
    • 10:40 - 11:25 Behavior change in physiotherapy – why, when and how?
      • What is behavioral medicine approach in physiotherapy? 
      • When do we need to apply behavior change competences in phsyiotherapy?
      • Changing behavior at clinic and in distance management of chronic conditions. 
      • Which tools in supporting behavior changes should we apply? 
      One of the core components in managing chronic pain is helping patients to develop and actively engage in new behaviors as well as change their current behaviors, e.g. exercising, time management, sleeping behaviors, using relaxation. Patients with musculoskeletal pain and other chronic conditions should be encouraged and motivated to enhance self-management behaviors, and thus reduce dependency on health care. However, behavior change is not easy to achieve, and the change is not always maintained. In this talk the behavioral medicine approach in physiotherapy is presented.

      The International Society for Behavioral Medicine define behavioral medicine as the “integration of psychosocial, behavioral and biomedical knowledge in analyses of patients’/clients’ behaviors in activities of importance for participation and in choosing and applying treatment and behavior change methods and evaluating outcomes”. In defining the behavioral medicine approach in physiotherapy, The speaker will discuss the need and timing of behavior change competences, and how we can merge knowledge and skills from behavioral sciences with physiotherapy when meeting patients and clients with chronic health problems.

      Examples and evidence for changing behavior when meeting patients at clinic, but also in distance management with digital solutions are discussed. Tools for how to support change of behaviors, i.e. behavior change techniques, their theoretical foundation and evidence base in changing pain behaviors are presented and exemplified to be applied in clinical work and for research purposes.


      Anne Söderlund, PhD, professor in Physiotherapy with behavioral medicine profile at School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden. She is also affiliated professor at Arcada University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland. She is a leader of a multidisciplinary group, BeMe-Health, of 20 researchers. Her research area is on prevention, treatment, and evaluation of health problems from a behavioral medicine perspective in the physiotherapy framework. Her research is focused on the individual's behavior and ability for functioning in everyday life in different ages. She has more than 100 published scientific articles. She is member of the European Pain Federation Academy Board. She is also an Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Physiotherapy.

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      Inge Ris
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