Anna Luise Kirkengen
Professor, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyAnna Luise Kirkengen has dealt with the long-term impact of childhood adversity and integrity violation on health for several decades. Her thesis (University of Oslo 1998), transformed to a book titled “Inscribed Bodies” (Springer 2001), discussed how types of violation experiences are inscribed, in the sense of incorporated, as bodily habits and patterns of dysfunctional physiological processes fuelling complex disease. This transformation from complex violation to complex suffering has, by now, become an overarching topic in transdisciplinary research in the neurosciences.
Kirkengen is the author of several books and numerous articles on the relationship between lived violation and the diseased, lived body. She lectures for students on all academic levels in all disciplines in the health- and social sector and for professionals in a wide variety of disciplines that encompass encounters with human beings.Taler til følgende sessioner-
11:45 - 12:45 Violation embodied – how does it work and how does it show?15:15 - 16:45 Hvordan kan vi forstå traumer i fysioterapeutisk praksis