• Rana Hinmann (online)

    PT, PhD, Professor, University of Melbourne

    Professor Hinmann is a physiotherapist from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and a recognized expert within the field of osteoarthritis management, with a strong interest in developing and implementing methods to increase access to care, including tele-rehabilitation and digital health strategies. She has conducted numerous clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of digital health interventions.

    Rana Hinmann wil be attending via online.


    Taler til følgende sessioner
    • 09:00 - 09:45 Digital physiotherapy care for musculoskeletal conditions – current scope and future directions
      Digital delivery of physiotherapy care, including online exercise treatment, is a growing part of public health services, especially relevant in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent evidence also suggests that digital physiotherapy for people with physical disabilities is similarly effective as traditional ‘in-person’ physiotherapy care. Although, there is still much to learn about how to best implement digital physiotherapy and whether it should be viewed as complimentary to, or as an alternative to, traditional ‘in-person’ physiotherapy care.

      Digital physiotherapy care also entails a rethinking and re-organization of some physiotherapy services. This re-organization of physiotherapy services has a direct impact on both the role of the physiotherapist as well as the patient's expectations and experience of physiotherapy care. Currently, there is a need for a better understanding of the scope of digital physiotherapy care, how it effect the users, and how to best apply this health care service in the future.

      This keynote lecture proposal seeks to improve the understanding of the scope, effectiveness and acceptability of digital physiotherapy care. It will provide insight in prior and current physiotherapist-led telehealth research initiatives for patients with osteoarthritis and chronic joint pain, with emphasis on lessons learned from Australia and future directions for physiotherapist-led telehealth services. This insight will be provided a clinically applicable context for future use of digital physiotherapy care.


      Rana S. Hinmann

      Se keynote

      Pætur Holm
      09:55 - 11:25 Digital physiotherapy care for chronic conditions – scope, user experience, engagement and preferences
      Digital delivery of physiotherapy care, including online exercise treatment, is a growing part of public health services, especially relevant in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent evidence also suggests that digital physiotherapy for people with physical disabilities may have an important role in future care programs.

      Digital physiotherapy care also entails a rethinking and re-organization of some physiotherapy services, affecting the role of the physiotherapist and on the patient's expectations and experience of physiotherapy care.

      The transition from traditional physiotherapy care to digital physiotherapy care comes with many new considerations, such as the contact between physiotherapist and patient, patient engagement as well as the experience of supervision during exercise – these factors are currently poorly understood.

      There is need for a better understanding of the context for digital physiotherapy and the user experience, engagement and preferences, covering both patient and physiotherapist in order to facilitate a successful implementation of this additional scope of physiotherapy care.

      This proposal for a focused symposium seeks to provide insight in current evidence for telehealth, with a particular focus on the user experience by both physiotherapist and patient, as well as exploring patient’s engagement and dose-response to digital interventions and effects of using digital health solutions in promoting physical activity. The presentations are based on recent and current quantitative and qualitative investigations of the effects and experiences and needs for digital physiotherapy care in chronic conditions.

      • Effectiveness and acceptability of tele-rehabilitation for people with chronic knee pain – practical lessons from an Australian approach, Professor Rana S. Hinman
      • Knee arthritis patients' and physiotherapists' experience of 8 weeks of online neuromuscular exercise and education (tele-GLA:D®), Dr. Pætur M. Holm
      • How do patients engage with a digital health solution and what is the relationship between dose and response of treatment in digital interventions., Ass. Prof. Louise F. Sandal
      • Effects of using digital health solutions in promoting physical activity among people with chronic conditions – a systematic literature overview, PhD fellow Graziella Zangger

      • Rana S. Hinman, PT, PhD, Professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia (online)
      • Pætur M. Holm, PT, PhD, Postdoc at Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted (NSR) Hospitals and University of Southern Denmark
      • Louise F, Sandal, MSc, PhD, Assi. Professor at the Research Unit for Physical Activity and Health in Work Life at University of Southern Denmark
      • Graziella Zangger, PT, Msc., PhD fellow at Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted (NSR) Hospitals and University of Southern Denmark 
      Se præsentation
      Se symposie - Rana


      Søren Thorgaard Skou, PT, PhD, Professor Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals, research unit PROgrez

      Pætur Hom
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