• Jacob Ladenburg

    Professor, DTU Management, Moderator of panel discussion

    Jacob Ladenburg is a Professor in Applied Economics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Technology, Management and Economics (DTU-MAN). Jacob has the past 20 years examined and analysed acceptance and preferences for energy technologies, in particularly wind power. Specifically, Jacob is an expert in on how knowledge of- experience with - and information about energy technologies influence the acceptance and the preferences for level of technology use and technology location.

    Speaker for following sessions
    • 14:20 - 14:50 Keynote: Bifrost: Social Acceptance and preference for CCS – the influence of information and knowledge
      Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an essential means to reduce the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere and mitigate climate change. The Danish government has launched several Danish CCS initiatives. Funding, investments and research by the industry, universities and other institutions have supported these initiatives. However, efficient and timely use of CCS requires population acceptance.

      As part of the EUDP project Bifrost, a survey has been carried out among 55.000 respondents focusing on the acceptance and the willingness to pay for CCS. In the survey, three different information levels were tested in a random trial and control design. The results denote the highest support for offshore CCS, followed by nearshore, onshore rural and urban CCS. The acceptance is lower than offshore wind power and PV on industrial rooftops. The respondents are, on average, willing to pay between 378-556 DKK and 623-854 DKK/household/year for 5 Mio and 10 Mio tons of CO2 capture and offshore storage, respectively. Knowledge and information increase acceptance and willingness to pay. 

      Jacob Ladenburg, Jiwon Kim, Matteo Zuch, Ugur Soytas
      Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Technology, Management and Economics (DTU-MAN), Sustainability, Society and Economics Division, Produktionstorvet 424, 024, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark,  emails : jlad@dtu.dk, jiwki@dtu.dk, matzu@dtu.dk, uguso@dtu.dk
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