• Fabian Steinacher

    Postdoctoral Researcher, Aarhus University

    Speaker for following sessions
    • 10:00 - 12:00 Optimizing Abandonment to reduce environmental impact
      Abandonment Challenge
      Benedicte Crapez, Offshore Inspector and Safety Advisor, Danish Working Environment Authority

      Abandonment Research for reduced Environmental Impact (abstract)
      Charlotte N. Larsen, Programme Manager, DTU Offshore - Danish Offshore Technology Centre

      SEEP – Seabed baseline conditions for platform abandonment (abstract)
      Lasse Prins, Research Scientist - Marine geology, GEUS 

      The development of self-healing cement for the remediation of cracks and micro-annuli in oilwell cement sheaths (abstract)
      Fabian Steinacher, Dr · Postdoctoral Researcher for R&D on Self-Healing Cement, Aarhus University

      Swelling of clays/shales to ensure underground storage (abstract)
      Irene Rocchi, Associate Professor, DTU Sustain
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