- how to build a more sustainable world

MIPIM: Global Danish Solutions

Conference room: Verriere Grand Audi, Palais des Festivals
Wednesday 16th March 14.45-15.45 

How does the green transition look from a Danish perspective - and what is the impact of the Danish real estate and construction industry when it comes to developing solutions that can make a difference, also in the global market? 

At this afternoon session, Connie Hedegaard, former Climate Commissioner and Chairman of the green think tank CONCITO, will present a status report on the world's climate challenges. Following this, the companies BIG, VELUX, NREP and the City of Copenhagen will discuss how to create sustainable solutions for buildings and urban developments worldwide.

Four large associations from the Danish real estate and construction Industry have joined forces in this event to show how innovative solutions and business models can contribute to a more sustainable world.

We look forward to welcoming three internationally recognized Danish companies, that will discuss and elaborate on how to battle climate challenges in the construction industry. Where do they see - and ensure - a good business in the green transition?

The panel consists of:

  • Kai-Uwe Bergmann, partner at BIG, Bjarke Ingels Group
  • Lone Feifer, Director for Sustainable Buildings, VELUX Group
  • Gustaf Lilliehöök, partner, NREP 
  • Camilla van Deurs, City Architect, City of Copenhagen

The moderator is Lene Espersen, CEO of the Danish Association of Architectural Firms, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Economic and Business Affairs and Minister of Justice.

The four associations behind the session are: Copenhagen Urban Network (Byens Netværk), Byggesocietetet, Danish Association of Architectural Firms and the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) 

Join in and learn how Danish Solutions can contribute to creating a better world!


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