Donna Erickson
Haskins labsDonna Erickson has been professor for the past 20 years at Gifu City Women’s College, Gifu Japan, and Showa University of Music, Kawasaki, Japan. Currently she is retired but actively pursues her research interests through her affiliations with Sophia University, Kanazawa Medical University, and Haskins Laboratories. Dr. Erickson received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut, where she researched laryngeal muscle activity underlying F0 contours of Thai, under the guidance of Professor Arthur Abramson. Her articulatory research spread to XRMB/EMA studies of prominence and rhythm of first and second language speakers in various languages, as well as research into source-filter contributions of voice quality changes, especially related to cross-cultural/cross-linguistic expression of social affects and emotion. Some recent publications include the following: Erickson, D., Rilliard, A., de Moraes, J., Shochi, T. (2018) On the varying reception of speakers expressivity across gender and cultures, and inference in their personalities. In (eds: Qiang Fang, Jianwu Dang, Pascal Perrier, Jianguo Wei, Longbiao Wang, Nan Yan) Studies on Speech Production (pp. 3-13). Springer Publishers. Erickson, D., Zhu, C., Kawahara, S. and Suemitsu, A. (2016) Some acoustic, articulatory and perceptual characteristics of Mandarin Chinese emotional speech. Open Linguistics, 2. 620-635. Erickson, D., Sadanobu, T., Zhu, C., Obert, K., Daikuhara, H. (2018) Exploratory study in ethnophonetics: Comparison of cross-cultural perceptions of Japanese cake seller voices among Japanese, Chinese and American English listeners. Speech Prosody 2018. Rilliard, A., Erickson, E., de Moraes, J.A., Shochi, T. (2014). Cross-Cultural Perception of some Japanese Expressions of Politeness and Impoliteness. In Fabienne Baider & Georgeta Cislariu (eds.) Linguistic approaches to emotions in context. John Benjamins Publisher.pp. 251-276. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Donna_Erickson3/ ttps://cdmodel.wordpress.com/
11:20 - 12:40 Voice 1, Chair: Donna Erickson13:45 - 14:45 KEYNOTE: Voice: a multifaceted finely-tuned instrument for any occasion and culture11:20 - 12:40 Voice 4, Chair: Oliver Niebuhr