1st International Conference on TONE AND INTONATION - TAI

"Tone and Intonation in a globalized, digital world"
TAI 2021 welcomes contributions on all phonological, phonetic, and typological aspects of tone and intonation in any language. In addition, in TAI 2021 two separate special sessions will be dedicated to the challenges and opportunities that globalization and digitalization hold for the speech sciences.Globalization poses increasing challenges to both, societies and individuals i terms of language contact and language acquisition.
Digitalization opens up new ways of human-human and human-machine interaction. In both contexts, tone and intonation are special linguistic, technical and didactic hurdles. Their better understanding not only has the potential for deeper insights into the nature of speech communication, but can also decisively shape the communication of tomorrow.
Please click here for Call for Papers, Important Dates, and Registration Fees
Warm and sunny regards from Southern Denmark,
Oliver Niebuhr
Jan Michalsky
Meg Zellers
Jana Neitsch
Stephanie Berger
Jonas Sikorskis