October 5 2021
Messecenter Herning
Vardevej 1, 7400 Herning

Wind Denmark, Energy Cluster Denmark and the Danish Research Consortium for Wind Energy once again invite you to be a part of
this year's WIND ENERGY DENMARK, which will take place October 5th at MCH Messecenter Herning. WIND ENERGY DENMARK will gather
the Danish and internationalwind industry to a strong networking event in Denmark, where we can discuss wind technology
and supply chain development, as well as create relations between research and industry and across industry.
The Global Green Transition
The focus of the year's WIND ENERGY DENMARK will be the global green transition - raising the question:
Can the wind industry turn ambitions into reality?
The global transition to renewable energy and the high expectations for wind development can be seen as both a blessing and a curse,
as it on one hand opens up for unimaginably large business opportunities and on the other hand pushes both the value chain and technology.
The Danish companies and research institutions have been leading the global industry for decades, but can this position be maintained with the massive development and investments coming? It depends on the ability to renew ourself, create the technologies of tomorrow, use our long tradition for cooperation, create the needed solutions for sector coupling, encourage new innovations and include new stakeholders representing new opportunities.
Some will say that the battle of leadership is the same as it has been for years but no doubt it is becoming more intense, and the stakes are higher!
this year's WIND ENERGY DENMARK, which will take place October 5th at MCH Messecenter Herning. WIND ENERGY DENMARK will gather
the Danish and internationalwind industry to a strong networking event in Denmark, where we can discuss wind technology
and supply chain development, as well as create relations between research and industry and across industry.
The Global Green Transition
The focus of the year's WIND ENERGY DENMARK will be the global green transition - raising the question:
Can the wind industry turn ambitions into reality?
The global transition to renewable energy and the high expectations for wind development can be seen as both a blessing and a curse,
as it on one hand opens up for unimaginably large business opportunities and on the other hand pushes both the value chain and technology.
The Danish companies and research institutions have been leading the global industry for decades, but can this position be maintained with the massive development and investments coming? It depends on the ability to renew ourself, create the technologies of tomorrow, use our long tradition for cooperation, create the needed solutions for sector coupling, encourage new innovations and include new stakeholders representing new opportunities.
Some will say that the battle of leadership is the same as it has been for years but no doubt it is becoming more intense, and the stakes are higher!

Some of the keynote speakers you can meet are:
Martin Neubert, Chief Commercial Officer & Deputy Group CEO, Ørsted
Anders Nielsen, CTO, Vestas Wind Systems
Betina Jørgensen, Country & Offtake Manager Offshore Wind, TotalEnergies
Morten Pilgaard Rasmussen, Global Head of Offshore Technology, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Giles Dickson, CEO, Wind Europe
Christina Aabo, Head of R&D, Ørsted
Richard Flansmose, Senior Vice President, Global Manufacturing, Vestas Wind Systems
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Offshore Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Jan Villum Kristiansen, Executive Head of Offshore Product Lifecycle Management, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Dorthe Kamper, VP Sales & Marketing, LM Wind Power
Manfred Vonlanthen, CEO, Swire Energy Services
Jes Faltum, Senior Sustainability Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems
Mads Kirkegaard, CEO, Polytech
Martin Neubert, Chief Commercial Officer & Deputy Group CEO, Ørsted
Anders Nielsen, CTO, Vestas Wind Systems
Betina Jørgensen, Country & Offtake Manager Offshore Wind, TotalEnergies
Morten Pilgaard Rasmussen, Global Head of Offshore Technology, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Giles Dickson, CEO, Wind Europe
Christina Aabo, Head of R&D, Ørsted
Richard Flansmose, Senior Vice President, Global Manufacturing, Vestas Wind Systems
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Offshore Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Jan Villum Kristiansen, Executive Head of Offshore Product Lifecycle Management, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Dorthe Kamper, VP Sales & Marketing, LM Wind Power
Manfred Vonlanthen, CEO, Swire Energy Services
Jes Faltum, Senior Sustainability Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems
Mads Kirkegaard, CEO, Polytech
Søren-Peter Johansen, Robot Technology Manager, Danish Technological Institute
08:30 - 09:30
Registration and coffee
09:30 - 10:15
High level opening session: Global green transition – can the wind industry turn ambitions into reality?
The opening session revolves around overall theme for WIND ENERGY DENMARK this year: How the global green transition and how the high expectations for wind development can be seen as both a blessing and a curse for the Danish part of the wind value chain. On one hand, it opens unimaginably large business opportunities and on the other hand, it creates an immense pressure on both the value chain and technology. In short, the key questions for the event is: 'Global green transition - can the wind industry turn ambitions into reality'? We will use the opening session to take a deep dive into the challenges and opportunitites the wind industry is facing in the years to come. Do we forsee a perfect storm forming for the Danish wind industry? - but being the wind industry that is a godd thing, right?
Giles Dickson, CEO, WindEurope, Jan Kjærsgaard, CEO Offshore, GE Renewable Energy, and Martin Neubert, Chief Commercial Officer & Deputy Group CEO, Ørsted
Giles Dickson
Giles Dickson, CEO, WindEurope, Jan Kjærsgaard, CEO Offshore, GE Renewable Energy, and Martin Neubert, Chief Commercial Officer & Deputy Group CEO, Ørsted
Giles Dickson
10:15 - 11:15
Wind resource estimation: the latest news I
In this session participants will hear the latest news within wind resource estimation. We will cover a wide range of topics, including advanced modelling, remote-sensing measurements, machine learning, wakes, and validation.
Mark Zagar, Senior Specialist - Energy Meteorology Vestas Wind Systems, Ebba Dellwik, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy, Anders Sommer, Senior R&D Engineer Wind Power, Vattenfall and Per Nielsen, Manager EMD
Ebba Dellwik
Anders Sommer
Per Nielsen
Mark Zagar, Senior Specialist - Energy Meteorology Vestas Wind Systems, Ebba Dellwik, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy, Anders Sommer, Senior R&D Engineer Wind Power, Vattenfall and Per Nielsen, Manager EMD
Ebba Dellwik
Anders Sommer
Per Nielsen
10:15 - 11:15
New innovative technologies of tomorrow
What are the exciting new technologies that drives the green transition and will shape the ener-gy sector of tomorrow? At this session, three leading researchers will present the new technolo-gies they work on, and what impact they could have.
Frede Blaabjerg, Ph.D, Professor, AAU Energy, Peter Enevoldsen, PhD, Director, Centre for Energy Technologies (CET), Aarhus University, Hans Ejsing Jørgensen, Senior Business Developer, DTU Wind Energy, Glenda Napier, CEO, Energy Cluster Denmark.
Frede Blaabjerg, Ph.D, Professor, AAU Energy, Peter Enevoldsen, PhD, Director, Centre for Energy Technologies (CET), Aarhus University, Hans Ejsing Jørgensen, Senior Business Developer, DTU Wind Energy, Glenda Napier, CEO, Energy Cluster Denmark.
10:15 - 11:15
Wind turbine technology – are we designing our own death?
The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming by reducing CO2 emissions. Renewable energy technologies are the key to reducing emissions in the electricity sector, which is today the single largest source of CO2 emissions. IEA's pathway to net zero, almost 90% of global electricity generation in 2050 comes from reneable sources with solar PV and wind together acoounting for nearly 70%. Said in another way: In 2030 the offshore wind industry needs to have increased its speed of installed capacity 16 times compared to 2020. Hence, going from 5 GW installed capacity in 2020 to 80 GW in 2030. Is this speedy acceleration even possible? In order to deliver on the 'moon landing' ambition, what should receive more focus - building bigger WTG's or industrialize the sector?
Henrik Stiesdal, CEO, Stiesdal, Morten Pilgaard Rasmussen, Global Head of Technology, Siemens Gamesa, Martin Neubert, Deputy Group CEO and Cheif Commercial Officer, Ørsted and Anders Nielsen, CTO and EVP, Vestas Wind Systems
Presentations from this session:
Henrik Stiesdal
Henrik Stiesdal, CEO, Stiesdal, Morten Pilgaard Rasmussen, Global Head of Technology, Siemens Gamesa, Martin Neubert, Deputy Group CEO and Cheif Commercial Officer, Ørsted and Anders Nielsen, CTO and EVP, Vestas Wind Systems
Presentations from this session:
Henrik Stiesdal
10:15 - 11:15
Energy Islands – powering the future Europe. How can it be done?
Denmark has embarked on a challenging mission to design, plan, construct and operate two energy islands in the North Sea respectively the Baltic Sea next to Bornholm. It represents an immensely ambition plan, with many challenges along the way. Representatives from DTU, AAU and Ørsted will discuss how the energy islands will transform the power system and which solutions are needed to accommodate this transformation.
Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Professor, DTU Wind Energy & Filipe Miguel Faria da Silva, Assoc. Prof. AAU
Matti Juha Koivisto, Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Nicolaos A. Cutululis & Filipe Miguel Faria da Silva
Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Professor, DTU Wind Energy & Filipe Miguel Faria da Silva, Assoc. Prof. AAU
Matti Juha Koivisto, Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Nicolaos A. Cutululis & Filipe Miguel Faria da Silva
10:15 - 11:15
How others work with sustainability – Learnings from Klimaklar SMV
Becoming more sustainable is a challenge that most companies are facing and are at various stages of adressing. In the project 'Klimaklar SMV', 50 SMEs have received consultancy assistence in: calculating their CO2 emissions, planning a strategy with recommendations to reduce these, and a plan on how to communicate outcomes to customers. This session will focus on cases and general learnings from the project and include a workshop process with a short group discussion.
Bjarne Bach, Senior projektleder, Viegand Maagøe
Moderator: Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor, Wind Denmark
Bjarne Bach
Bjarne Bach, Senior projektleder, Viegand Maagøe
Moderator: Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor, Wind Denmark
Bjarne Bach
11:15 - 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 - 13:00
Modular & advanced manufacturing in the wind industry
Digitaisation, modularised manufacturing and innovations in the supply chain will drive competitiveness across the value chain from initial design to decommissioning. Modularised manufacturing and assembly can aleviate barriers to turbine upscaling, reducing the need for ever increasing logistical equipment. Combined with standardized procedures and components, the next phase of industrialisation will allow the industry to both scale and reduce the cost of wind power.
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Offshore Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Hans Christian Thisen, Inventor, Maxars and Kristian Lehmann Madsen, Principal Engineer & Project manager MadesBlades, LM Wind
Per Hessellund Lauritsen
Hans Christian Thisen
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Offshore Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Hans Christian Thisen, Inventor, Maxars and Kristian Lehmann Madsen, Principal Engineer & Project manager MadesBlades, LM Wind
Per Hessellund Lauritsen
Hans Christian Thisen
12:00 - 13:00
Wind resource estimation: the latest news II
In this session participants will hear the latest news within wind resource estimation. We will cover a wide range of topics, including advanced modelling, remote-sensing measurements, machine learning, wakes, and validation.
Nicolai Gayle Nygaard, Senior Lead Wind Energy Analyst, Ørsted, Mark Kelly, Associate Professor, DTU Wind Energy, Peter Enevoldsen, Director of Centre for Energy Technologies, Aarhus university and Lars Landberg, Director, Group Leader - Renewables, DNV GL
Nicolai Gayle Nygaard
Mark Kelly
Lars Landberg
Nicolai Gayle Nygaard, Senior Lead Wind Energy Analyst, Ørsted, Mark Kelly, Associate Professor, DTU Wind Energy, Peter Enevoldsen, Director of Centre for Energy Technologies, Aarhus university and Lars Landberg, Director, Group Leader - Renewables, DNV GL
Nicolai Gayle Nygaard
Mark Kelly
Lars Landberg
12:00 - 13:00
A rapidly developing supply chain – what are the key to global Danish success?
The foreseen global growth rates for wind energy represents not only a huge potential for Danish companies but also huge pressure, if they want to maintain a position as global market leaders. So how does the global supply chain setup need to look like to fulfill the global green ambitions in the years to come and are the Danish part of the industry still a substantial player?
Steen Broust Nielsen, Vice President, Head of Global Sales, Wood Mackenzie sets the scene and identifies the 5 biggest challenges for the industry in the next decade, which will then be the starting point for the following panel debate.
Richard Flansmose, Senior Vice President, Global Manufacturing, Vestas Wind Systems, Henrik Bonnerup, Partner, Polaris, Peter Thorning, Chairman of the Board, Fiberline & Thomas Juul Eilersen, Senior Vice President, Nissens A/S
Steen Broust Nielsen
Steen Broust Nielsen, Vice President, Head of Global Sales, Wood Mackenzie sets the scene and identifies the 5 biggest challenges for the industry in the next decade, which will then be the starting point for the following panel debate.
Richard Flansmose, Senior Vice President, Global Manufacturing, Vestas Wind Systems, Henrik Bonnerup, Partner, Polaris, Peter Thorning, Chairman of the Board, Fiberline & Thomas Juul Eilersen, Senior Vice President, Nissens A/S
Steen Broust Nielsen
12:00 - 13:00
Power-to-X – how to accelerate the PtX-industry
PtX is gaining increased attention as one of the key solutions to decarbonize the sectores that are hard to electrify. In their Paris Agreement-compatible net zero in 2050-scenario, IEA predicts an electrolyzer capacity of 850 GW in 2030. To reach such an ambitious target, a rapid acceleration of the PtX-industry, sufficient renewable electricity and the associated infrastructure is needed. Stakeholders from the PtX value chain will shortly present their view on the main barriers and opportunities for the PtX-industry. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion about how to adress the barriers and accelerate the PtX-industry.
Finn Daugaard Madsen, Head of Hydbrid, Storage & Conversion, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Troels Krag Boysen, Head of Commercial Analytics, Green Hydrogen Systems and a representative from Energinet
Moderator: Michael Madsen, Senior Advisor, Wind Denmark
Finn Daugaard Madsen, Head of Hydbrid, Storage & Conversion, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Troels Krag Boysen, Head of Commercial Analytics, Green Hydrogen Systems and a representative from Energinet
Moderator: Michael Madsen, Senior Advisor, Wind Denmark
12:00 - 13:00
DecomBlades - The Circular Economy Value Chains for Decommissioned Wind Turbine Blades
DecomBlades focus on three promising recycling technologies: cement kiln, pyrolysis and mechanical shredding. DecomBlades takes a crucial next step to mature these processes and to establish each of the necessary steps in the value chain, such as product disposal specifications, logistics, process mapping and optimization, demonstration, life cycle analysis and more.
Christian Munk Jensen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark, Tobias Ruby, Senior Manager R&D, Ørsted, Sophus Borch, Product Manager - Non-Ferrous materials, H.J.Hansen Genvindingsindustri
Christian Munk Jensen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark, Tobias Ruby, Senior Manager R&D, Ørsted, Sophus Borch, Product Manager - Non-Ferrous materials, H.J.Hansen Genvindingsindustri
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
Megavind Annual Agenda
Establish in 2006, the role of Megavind is to formulate strategic recommendations within research, development, test and demonstration of wind energy and adjacent technologies. Megavind represents stakeholders from the whole wind sector's value chain and work to increas the value of wind by consolidating next priorities of technological development. In this session, we will go thorugh Megavind as the platform where research, development, test and demonstration recommendations are consolidated. Herafter, we dive into some og Megavind's latest work going through Megavind's Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021, Megavind's latest progress on its work with partnerships in the wind energy supply chain and test, verification and validation recomendations.
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Offshore Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Mattias Andersson, Senior Consultant, DTU Wind Energy, Claus Vilhelmsen, Managing Director, Øglænd System and Peter Hjuler, Deputy Institure Director, DTU Wind Energy
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Offshore Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Mattias Andersson, Senior Consultant, DTU Wind Energy, Claus Vilhelmsen, Managing Director, Øglænd System and Peter Hjuler, Deputy Institure Director, DTU Wind Energy
14:00 - 15:00
Startups with global potential: Can we turn Denmark into a world class ecosystem?
Startups play an important role in developing new innovative technologies. But what role does startups play today within the wind industry? Do we have enough of innovative startups, and can the industry help create a world class ecosystem?
Anders Rebsdorf, Chief Sales Officer, Liftra, Ignacio Marti Perez, Head of Division Wind Energy Materials and Components, DTU Wind Energy and Bo Svoldgaard, Senior Vice President, Vestas Wind Systems, Glenda Napier, CEO, Energy Cluster Denmark
Anders Rebsdorf, Chief Sales Officer, Liftra, Ignacio Marti Perez, Head of Division Wind Energy Materials and Components, DTU Wind Energy and Bo Svoldgaard, Senior Vice President, Vestas Wind Systems, Glenda Napier, CEO, Energy Cluster Denmark
14:00 - 15:00
Digital Twins for future smart wind turbines
The purpose of the session is to show what some key partners in the ReliaBlade project works with around digitalization and to inspire what digital twin technology may mean for the wind energy industry and what it gives of opportunities for the future.
Kim Branner, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy, Kasper Reck-Nielsen, CEO, CEKO Sensors, Bart Peeters, Product Line Manager Structures and Environmental Testing, Siemens Digital Industries Software and Trygve Skjøtskift, Associate Partner - Energy, Environment & Utilities, IBM Denmark
Kim Branner
Bart Peeters
Trygve Skjøtskift
Kim Branner, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy, Kasper Reck-Nielsen, CEO, CEKO Sensors, Bart Peeters, Product Line Manager Structures and Environmental Testing, Siemens Digital Industries Software and Trygve Skjøtskift, Associate Partner - Energy, Environment & Utilities, IBM Denmark
Kim Branner
Bart Peeters
Trygve Skjøtskift
14:00 - 15:00
Aerodynamics & blade technology I
The session highlights important challenges and potentials for the next world record setting blade length - seen from an industrial and a research perspective.
The blade length, slenderness and flexibility has increased dramatically during recent years. Combined with new opportunities from focus on manufacturing and modularization, this raises the complexity in the technology development. The development is on one hand conditioned on demanding requirements to the technology, the underlying design tools and the validation of the operational blade characteristics and performance. On the other hand this opens up for further mind-blowing achievements in blade technology.
Flemming Rasmussen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy, Alejandro Gomez Gonzalez, Chief Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Frederik Zahle, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Moderator: Kenneth Thomsen, Head of Division - Wind Turbine Design, DTU Wind Energy and Flemming Rasmusen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
Flemming Rasmussen
Frederik Zahle
The blade length, slenderness and flexibility has increased dramatically during recent years. Combined with new opportunities from focus on manufacturing and modularization, this raises the complexity in the technology development. The development is on one hand conditioned on demanding requirements to the technology, the underlying design tools and the validation of the operational blade characteristics and performance. On the other hand this opens up for further mind-blowing achievements in blade technology.
Flemming Rasmussen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy, Alejandro Gomez Gonzalez, Chief Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Frederik Zahle, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Moderator: Kenneth Thomsen, Head of Division - Wind Turbine Design, DTU Wind Energy and Flemming Rasmusen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
Flemming Rasmussen
Frederik Zahle
14:00 - 15:00
Offshore – the battle ground of the majors
Not since the battle of Jutland in 1916 have we seen such a battle ground in the North Sea. But fortunately, this time it is not countries and warships but energy majors and installation ships there is doing the 'fighting' and this time it is not to destroy but to deploy - creating the new energy future of Europe with a massive build out of offshore wind. But what does the entrance of ambitious oil and energy majors mean for the offshore wind sector, what are their intentions and what will it do for e.g. market mechanism, technology development, supply chain, workforce etc.
Betina Jørgensen, Coutry & Offtake Manager Offshore Wind, TotalEnergies
Panel debate: Value chain reflections
Carsten Nielsen, Senior Vice President, Semco Maritime, Jan Villum Kristiansen, Executive Head of Offshore Product Lifecycle Management, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Manfred Volanthen, CEO, Swire Energy Services
Moderator: Søren Lassen, Head of Global Offshore Wind Research, Wood Mackenzie
Betina Jørgensen
Betina Jørgensen, Coutry & Offtake Manager Offshore Wind, TotalEnergies
Panel debate: Value chain reflections
Carsten Nielsen, Senior Vice President, Semco Maritime, Jan Villum Kristiansen, Executive Head of Offshore Product Lifecycle Management, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Manfred Volanthen, CEO, Swire Energy Services
Moderator: Søren Lassen, Head of Global Offshore Wind Research, Wood Mackenzie
Betina Jørgensen
15:00 - 15:45
Coffee break
15:45 - 16:15
Quali-Drone. Intelligent, autonomous, drone inspection of large structures within the energy industry
Quali Drone is an innovation project aiming to develop and demonstrate fully automatic intelligent drone inspections to recognize errors on surfaces and measure large structures. This will be done by using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and digital twin technology for documentation purposes to comply with applicable industry standards. Inspection of offshore wind turbine foundations from Bladt Industries is the use-case in this project. However, drone inspection is not limited to offshore wind, but can be applicated to other industries e.g., inspection of photovoltaics parks, construction sites, buildings and infrastructure, bridges, roads, highways and railways.
Jesper Smit, CEO & Founder, Quali Drone, Jeppe Hebsgaard Laursen, Director, Zebicon
Moderator: Christian Boysen, Project Director, Energy Cluster Denmark,
Jesper Smit, CEO & Founder, Quali Drone, Jeppe Hebsgaard Laursen, Director, Zebicon
Moderator: Christian Boysen, Project Director, Energy Cluster Denmark,
15:45 - 16:45
Next generation technology meets pub quiz!
Can you predict the future of wind energy technology and the market development?
This session rounds up a day of many inputs and it is time to free our minds and imagination and embark on journey into the future of wind energy technology or at least how we could imagine the future of wind energy technology. What directions do we see, what game changers will emerge on the way? How is the market developing? Will we see PtX plants at all offshore wind power plants in the near future. In an alternative session format where pub quiz meets brainstorm we will work together, inspire each other in trying to predict the future. And when the session ends, we will have created a unique time capsule that we can revisit at future Wind Energy Denmark events to determine who were the greatest fortune tellers of the wind industry in the year 2021.
Christina Aabo, Head of R&D, Ørsted – Quiz master
This session rounds up a day of many inputs and it is time to free our minds and imagination and embark on journey into the future of wind energy technology or at least how we could imagine the future of wind energy technology. What directions do we see, what game changers will emerge on the way? How is the market developing? Will we see PtX plants at all offshore wind power plants in the near future. In an alternative session format where pub quiz meets brainstorm we will work together, inspire each other in trying to predict the future. And when the session ends, we will have created a unique time capsule that we can revisit at future Wind Energy Denmark events to determine who were the greatest fortune tellers of the wind industry in the year 2021.
Christina Aabo, Head of R&D, Ørsted – Quiz master
15:45 - 16:45
Aerodynamics & blade technology II
The session will address challenges, limitations, and new findings concerning aerolastic modeling of large flexible tubines: curved blades, standstill situations and floating turbines with large movements.
Georg Pirrung, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy, Sergio Gonzáles Horcas, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy and Néstor Ramos Garcia, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Moderator: Kenneth Thomsen, Head of Division - Wind Turbine Design, DTU Wind Energy and Flemming Rasmussen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
Georg Pirrung
Sergio Gonzáles Horcas
Néstor Ramos Garcia
Georg Pirrung, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy, Sergio Gonzáles Horcas, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy and Néstor Ramos Garcia, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Moderator: Kenneth Thomsen, Head of Division - Wind Turbine Design, DTU Wind Energy and Flemming Rasmussen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
Georg Pirrung
Sergio Gonzáles Horcas
Néstor Ramos Garcia
15:45 - 16:45
Robots to scale manufacturing and increase productivity
Collaborative robots can work next to operator, making it possible to produce more with the same amount of staff. Data collection during production enables consistent quality with full documentation og materiales and process, which in turn makes future service operations easier to forecast, plan, and execute.
This workshop aims to identify how manufacturing and productivity can be scales using the latest technology. The workshop starts with a presentation on robot and technology trends, from collaborative robots to artificialt intelligence. Next, the group breaks up in small sessions to discuss and brainstorm areas where industry-wide solutions are needed. Finally, recommendations are gathered in plenum for next steps.
Søren-Peter Johansen, Technology Manager, Danish Technological Institute and Rune Hahn Kristensen, Senior Consultant, Danish Technological Institute
This workshop aims to identify how manufacturing and productivity can be scales using the latest technology. The workshop starts with a presentation on robot and technology trends, from collaborative robots to artificialt intelligence. Next, the group breaks up in small sessions to discuss and brainstorm areas where industry-wide solutions are needed. Finally, recommendations are gathered in plenum for next steps.
Søren-Peter Johansen, Technology Manager, Danish Technological Institute and Rune Hahn Kristensen, Senior Consultant, Danish Technological Institute
15:45 - 16:45
LCOE vs. sustainability – contradictory or complementary?
For more than a decade, lowering LCOE has been a much-discussed burning platform for the wind sector. Does this clash with the new burning platform - a more sustainable sector? This session will discuss how the new sustainability focus will impact OEM and developer procurement strategies. The following questions will be raised: Who should a price on a greener product - governments in the tendering process, developers, OEMS, consumers? How will the sustainability strategies from OEMs and developers manifest themselves in procurement - will green beat cheap? Is greener and cheaper contradicting or complementing terms?
Panel debate:
Dorte Kamper, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, LM Wind Power, Mads Kirkegaard, CEO, Polytech, Jes Faltum, Senior Sustainability Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems og Filip Engel, Vice President, Ørsted
Moderator: Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Wind Denmark
Dorte Kamper
Mads Kirkegaard
Jes Faltum
Filip Engel
Panel debate:
Dorte Kamper, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, LM Wind Power, Mads Kirkegaard, CEO, Polytech, Jes Faltum, Senior Sustainability Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems og Filip Engel, Vice President, Ørsted
Moderator: Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Wind Denmark
Dorte Kamper
Mads Kirkegaard
Jes Faltum
Filip Engel
16:15 - 16:45
BiCA – Bird Collision Avoidance by Advanced Siting
The BiCA project has developed a tool which aids in siting wind farms. This is done by automated counting of birds using radar and AI. When combined with existing data in an easy-to-use user interface it provides a strong and objective support for traditional bird monitoring methods in the siting process.
Eldina Salkanović, PhD Fellow, Innovation & Concepts, Sustainability, Vestas Wind Systems and Aarhus University, Niels Einar Jensen, Manager, Furuno Environmental Technology Center at Furuno Danmark
Moderator: Christian Munk Jensen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark,
Eldina Salkanović, PhD Fellow, Innovation & Concepts, Sustainability, Vestas Wind Systems and Aarhus University, Niels Einar Jensen, Manager, Furuno Environmental Technology Center at Furuno Danmark
Moderator: Christian Munk Jensen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark,
17:00 - 19:00
Networking Reception
