October 30-31 2018
Skagen Blade Technology
Teknikervej 1, 8722 Hedensted

On 30-31 October 2018, WIND ENERGY DENMARK will once again gather the Danish and international wind industry to discuss, showcase, and drive forward the technology development that has turned Denmark into a true powerhouse of wind energy.
Skagen Blade Technology will proudly welcome the expected 400 participants in their large production facilities in Hedensted, Denmark.
Skagen Blade Technology will proudly welcome the expected 400 participants in their large production facilities in Hedensted, Denmark.
Join in on the largest and most significant wind energy event in Denmark, where industry meets research, onshore meets offshore, and present meets future, focusing on the long-term development of wind energy and creating a strong network for the participants.

Conference themes
The two-day-conference merges technology, science, and product development - and offers valuable insight and latest updates on themes within
High-level sessions
Next generation technologies
Industrialization & standardization
Grid systems, integration & infrastructure
Operations & maintenance
It’s an opportunity to discuss the latest developments and challenges in a forum of companies, research institutions and professionals with the ability to shape the future of the global wind industry and provide new perspectives and insights into the future of green transition powered by wind.
A number of high-level sessions will feature keynote speakers sharing their thoughts and insights on the future of the wind energy, and in addition, the conference will offer panel discussions, workshops, presentations, exhibitions and networking opportunities.
The two-day-conference merges technology, science, and product development - and offers valuable insight and latest updates on themes within

It’s an opportunity to discuss the latest developments and challenges in a forum of companies, research institutions and professionals with the ability to shape the future of the global wind industry and provide new perspectives and insights into the future of green transition powered by wind.
A number of high-level sessions will feature keynote speakers sharing their thoughts and insights on the future of the wind energy, and in addition, the conference will offer panel discussions, workshops, presentations, exhibitions and networking opportunities.
Registration date has been ended, please contact event organizer.
9:30 - 10:15
Opening session: How to stay ahead on technology through R&D

Wind power is big business for Denmark! The development we have witnessed over the past 30 years in wind energy with respect to scale, innovation, technology development, deployment and cost has been impressive. The speed with which the development is continuing demonstrates that the sector still has a lot of potential for further development.
The opening session gathers representatives from policy, industry and research in a dialogue on how Denmark can stay ahead on technology through R&D. Where can this trinity supplement each other to secure the best possible outcome for Denmark and for Danish industry on research, development, and demonstration of wind energy?
Anders Vedel, CTO, Vestas Wind Systems
Jens Joel, Member of the Danish Parliament, Member of Forum for Energy, Supply and Climate, The Social Democratic Party
Peter Hauge Madsen, Head of Department. DTU Wind Energy
Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind Industry Association
10:15 - 11:20
Aerodynamics, aeroelastic and hydro dynamics (I)

This double-session highlights, both from the perspectives of the industry and the research community, the main achievements within wind turbine performance and response simulations obtained today.
It presents the status and discusses the challenges concerning the prediction on present large flexible turbines, and pinpoints areas where further validation would be beneficial. A further scope is to identify the need for new developments to reduce the risk when designing future large and possibly new concepts.
Jens Nørkær Sørensen, Professor, DTU
Introductory note: A brief history of “wind turbine” aerodynamics.
Jesper Laursen, SGRE OF TE TD BL, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Industrial perspective on wind turbine aerodynamics.
Niels N. Sørensen, Professor, DTU
High performance computing in wind turbine aerodynamics
Søren Hjort, Director, Volu Ventis
Is wake swirl and wake expansion important for rotor design?
Flemming Rasmussen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
Jens Nørkær Sørensen, Professor, DTU Wind Energy
10:15 - 11:20
Megavind Annual Agenda

Megavind is Denmark’s national partnership for wind energy, and acts as catalyst and initiator of a strengthened strategic agenda for research, development, and demonstration of wind energy technology.
One of the aims of the Megavind Annual Research & Innovation Agenda is to strengthen public-private cooperation between the state, private enterprises, and knowledge institutions to accelerate innovation processes within several areas of technology.
In order to do so we need a continuous dialogue on how we together can secure communication, coordination, and collaboration between the public institutions that provide support to RD&D and the companies/knowledge institutions that are interested in developing RD&D projects.
Jens Joel, Member of the Danish Parliament and Forum for Energy, Utilities & Climate, The Social Democratic Party
Niels Langvad, Scientific Officer, Innovation Fund Denmark
Hanne Thomassen, Programme Manager, EUDP
Christina Aabo, Director of R&D, Ørsted
Peter Hjuler Jensen, Deputy Head, DTU Wind Energy
Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind Industry Association
10:15 - 11:20
Wind meteorology and climate: Are we ready for climate change?

Highlighting the latest developments in meteorological modelling for the assessment of wind conditions we ask whether we are properly addressing climate change in our approaches, if we are aware of impacts on the wind energy industry, and what we should do about it?
Martin Stendel, Climate Scientist, DMI
Updated projections for temperature, precipitation and wind in Northern Europe until the end of the 21st century
Andrea Hahmann, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Super ensembles for wind climate assessment
Kim Bentzen, Meteorologist, Danish Commodities
What is normal in a world of change? – use of the term “meteorological normal” in energy trading
Jake Badger, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
10:15 - 11:20
How to utilize and industrialize big data

This workshop revolves around how to utilize and industrialize big data in the wind industry and looks at what are the barriers and opportunities. It is a workshop where you can share your insights and get inspired by other players in the industry.
”Data is the new raw material” – but should we box it at sell to the highest bidder or share in general? At ARTOGIS A/S they made a change away from the traditional commercial platforms and created a new platform based upon global Open Source technology.
Lars Legaard Christensen from ARTOGIS will provide insight into how the use of a Databackbone and Datarobots can be a cost-effective and easier way to integration, bringing together the right data resources in one Datawarehouse, preparing and enabling the future use of new technologies in BigData, BI, AI, Machine learning etc.
Furthermore, we will dive into the opportunities that IoT-devices bring in the capture of data and measurements from remote geographical places and provide concrete examples from other areas of the utilities sector.
Jacob Tornfeldt from DHI will provide application examples of how to bring added value to observational and modelled metocean datasets, to machine learning based forecast models, how to optimize your O&M efficiency, and how to curate BIG data for specific applications.
Lars Legaard Christensen, Head of Sales, ARTOGIS
Jacob Tornfeldt Sørensen, Group Research Board and Sales Manager, DHI
Peter Aarø Rasmussen, Program Manager, Danish Wind Industry Association
11:50 - 13:00
The perspectives of additive manufacturing - now or never?

This session offers focus on and discussion around the unique problematics in the wind industry with extreme sizes, forces and weather exposure. You get examples on how AM (Additive Manufacturing) can be beneficial and implemented short term.
The speakers will dive into 3D printing, which is about to transform the very notion of manufacturing in a hugely creatively disruptive way and lead to profound changes in the way many products are designed, developed, produced, delivered, and supported. Are you and your business models ready to embrace it?
Furthermore, we look at the opportunities and challenges from the perspective of innovation and entrepreneurship. How the future lies at the intersect between what we want, what is technically feasible and what is scalable. Technological innovation has frequently been shown to systematically change market structure and value creation. Additive manufacturing is a disruptive technology.
Cheng Yang, Associate Professor, AAU & Henrik G. Larsen, CEO, CFI
3D printing will change your business in the future
Mads Kjøller Damkjær, CEO, AM-Hub
Print the future - How innovation and entrepreneurship create new business opportunities
Mads Kjøller Damkjær, CEO, AM-Hub
Peter Aarø Rasmussen, Program Manager, Danish Wind Industry Association
11:50 - 13:00
Aerodynamics, aeroelastic and hydro dynamics (II)

This double-session highlights, both from the perspectives of the industry and the research community, the main achievements within wind turbine performance and response simulations obtained today.
It presents the status and discusses the challenges concerning the prediction on present large flexible turbines, and pinpoints areas where further validation would be beneficial. A further scope is to identify the need for new developments to reduce the risk when designing future large and possibly new concepts.
Christian Bak, Senior Researcher, DTU
Large scale experimental aerodynamics – status and perspectives
Julio Xavier, Lead Engineer, Control & Operation, Innovation & Concepts, Vestas Wind Systems
Quantifying power gain from multi-rotor aerodynamic interaction
Allan Ensig-Karup, Associate Professor, DTU-IMCS
Advances and challenges in hydrodynamic simulation methods
Flemming Rasmussen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
Jens Nørkær Sørensen, Professor, DTU Wind Energy
11:50 - 13:00
The global drivers for wind energy

The session kicks off with a 15-20 minutes “TEDX” talk by GWEC Senior Policy Advisor, Steve Sawyer, on what he sees as the major global drivers in wind energy - focusing on the global climate change agenda.
Following his talk, we invite three guests to join the discussion and give their view and comments on the developments in the global climate agenda and how they influence the transition towards green energy systems.
Steve Sawyer, Senior Policy Advisor, GWEC
Steve Sawyer is working with intergovernmental organizations such as the UNFCCC, IPCC, IRENA, IEA, IFC and ADB to ensure that wind power takes its rightful place in the energy options for the future.
Jarl Krausing, International Director, CONCITO.
Representing an independent think tank, Jarl Krausing will contribute with how CONCITO sees the developments in international climate agenda and the opportunities to finance the transformation to a low-carbon society.
Morten Svendstorp, Senior consultant, Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate.
Morten Svendstorp will contribute with his knowledge about the Danish view on the international climate negotiations, Clean Energy Ministerial etc.
Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind Industry Association
11:50 - 13:00
Towers and foundations: Welding and surface treatment optimization

The area of support structures is a dominant focus in the pursuit of LCOE reductions. It is also an area where the industry can find common ground to optimize processes and challenge existing standards and guidelines.
This session reveals some of the identified potentials and reveals two planned projects involving a broad group of companies.
Sune Daaskov Egelund, R&D Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Industry standard on surface treatment of towers and promising potential in fusion bonded epoxy
Andreas Lundtang Paulsen, Specialist, Corrosion, Metallurgy and Concrete, FORCE Technology
Towers: Testing composition and anti-corrosion properties of protective coating systems
Christian Højerslev, Head of Department, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Offweld project on weld bead removal and steel surface characteristics
Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor, Danish Wind Industry Association
11:50 - 13:00
Wind energy meteorology

This session presents student projects (MSc and PhD) within wind energy meteorology.
Dominique Philipp Held, PhD student, Windar Photonics/DTU
PhD project: Wake detection in the turbine inflow using nacelle lidars
Erlingur Í. Jóhannsson, MSc Student, DTU
MSc project: Quantifying the fidelity of numerically simulated wind resources
Adit Nand Kishore, MSc Student, DTU Wind Energy
MSc project: Investigating offshore wind farm wakes through mesoscale modeling
Erik Haugen, MSc Student, DTU/Delft
MSc project: Integrating lidar and LES for wake characterization in complex terrain
Jacob Berg, Associate Professor, DTU Wind Energy
14:00 - 15:15
Upcoming EUDP wind projects

In the session, the new EUDP 2018 funded projects are presented:
Søren A. Nielsen, Technology Director, Universal Foundation
Offshore wind suction bucket industrial scale – part 2 Test installation
(Involved companies: Siemens Gamesa, Universal Foundation, Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, Aalborg University and Offshoreenergy.dk)
Kim Branner, Senior scientist, DTU Wind Energy
RELIABLADE- Improved wind turbine blade reliability by using digital twins throughout the lifecycle
(Involved companies: DTU Wind Energy, Vestas, LM Wind Power, IBM Danmark, FORCE Technology, CEKO Sensors, Dantec Dynamics GmbH, Zebicon, Blade Test Centre, Olsen Wings, DTU Compute and Siemens Industry Software)
Representative, Vestas Wind Systems or Maersk Supply Service (TBA)
Vertical Installer
(Involved companies: Maersk Supply Service, Vestas and MHI Vestas)
Xiaoli Guo Larsén, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Global atlas of design parameters
(Involved companies: DTU Wind Energy and EMD International)
Chrisian Bak, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
AeroLoop - Accelerated and enhanced quality in aerodynamic and aeroacoustic design loops
(Involved companies: DTU Wind Energy, Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, Suzlon and LM Wind Power)
Peter Hjuler Jensen, Deputy Head, DTU Wind Energy
14:00 - 15:15
Wind resources: Data and models - insight! (I)

In this double-session, leading wind resource experts from the Danish wind industry will share recent insights they have obtained from their deep knowledge of and experience with data and models over many years.
There can be some unusual behavior seen in data, a model that did not behave as expected, a data set that did not confirm current ideas, or some other surprising fact or outcome. These sessions will include onshore and offshore cases, simple and very complex models.
Mark Zagar, Senior Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems
Simulation and validation of non-standard wind conditions and their impact on turbine performance
Kurt Hansen, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy
Model validation of coastal effects on an offshore wind farm
Nikolai Gayle Nygaard, Lead Wind Energy Analyst, Ørsted
Surprises in energy yield assessment
Lars Landberg, Director; Group Leader, Renewables; Strategic Research and Innovation, DNV GL
14:00 - 15:15
The major breakthrough for standardization is imminent

The industry needs to find common ground on where the next cost reductions are found and how to get there. Standardization is identified as a key area, but this calls for communication, coordination, and collaboration between all stakeholders in the industry - utilities, OEMs, suppliers, and research institutions.
Vestas, Siemens Gamesa and MHI Vestas have agreed to push the industrial standardization in the wind industry forward together, selecting technical areas, components or systems and seeking to standardize them together with all parties willing to contribute - suppliers, OEMs, developers, academia, consultants etc. The target is to provide a standardization “hot list” used as a guideline for future RD&D (cost reduction) projects both within onshore and offshore. The cost reduction standardization areas will be presented in the two lists Wind Turbine Generator List and Operation & Maintenance List.
Torben Hvid Larsen, CTO, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind
Presentation of the Operation & maintenance list & Wind Turbine Generator list
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, & Peter Lindholst, Vice President Concept Development, Vestas Wind Systems
Presentation of new standardization Co-op between Vestas, Siemens Gamesa & MHI Vestas
Panelists What changes will this bring to the value chain?
Torben Hvid Larsen, CTO, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Peter Lindholst, Vice President Concept Development, Vestas Wind Systems
Morten Mørk, CEO, Nordmark
Per Fenger, CEO, Liftra
Thorsten Jalk, CEO, Ziton
Anders Dalegaard, Head of Members & Events, Danish Wind Industry Association
14:00 - 15:15
Wind turbine blade challenges

Wind turbine blades are key components in the continued pursuit of reduction in levelized cost of energy. Rotor diameter continues to increase in size as the wind turbines are developed for larger capacity. Blades for offshore wind turbines are heading towards 100+ meters in length. As the blade length increases, the design, manufacturing, testing, transport and maintenance becomes very challenging.
Erik Lund, Professor, Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University
Structural optimization of wind turbine blades
John Korsgaard, Senior Director, LM Wind Power
Challenges in blade manufacturing and testing
Leo Jensen, Director Chief Specialist, Ørsted
Challenges in offshore installation of blades
Steffen Laustsen, Team Lead Blade Materials, Blade Structural Design, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Challenges in preventing leading edge erosion
John Korsgaard, Senior Director, LM Wind Power
14:00 - 15:15
Drones and vibrations

PhD and Master students present their exciting work on applications of drones and vibrations for wind turbine production, installation, maintenance, etc.
Dylan Cawthorne, PhD student, SDU
Making drones ethical by design
ASM Shihavuddin, Assistant Professor, DTU
Deep learning and advanced augmentation toolbox for wind turbine drone inspection analysis
Kasper Ringgaard, PhD Student, Aarhus University
Maximization of machining productivity taking dynamic deflections and stability into account
Jonas Gad Kjeld, PhD Student, Vattenfall/ SDU
Determination of vibration damping of an offshore wind turbine supporting structure
Ole Balling, Associate Professor, Aarhus University
Shallow water damper design using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Anders Brandt, Associate Professor, SDU
15:45 - 17:00
New materials, better performance

In the fight for lowering the cost of energy from wind turbines, the dimensions have grown to impressive sizes with rotor blade diameters approaching 220 meters and tower heights of more than 150 meters. Those large dimensions and related large weights have increased the requirements for the mechanical performance of the used materials of composites and metals. Also, a request is coming from the industry on material systems facilitating increased automatization and speed of the production.
Ulrik Borg, Project Manager, Fiberline Composites
Pultruded composites for wind energy
Kim H. Klausen, Head of Global Wind Project, Covestro
Using polyurethane in turbine blades
Jakob I. Bech, Senior Development Engineer, DTU Wind Energy
Performance of protective materials in leading edge erosion
Jacob S. Nyvang, Design and Project Manager, Bladt Industries
Offshore wind foundation fabrication and optimization
Lars P. Mikkelsen, Head of Section, Composite Mechanics and Structures, DTU Wind Energy
Bo Madsen, Head of Section, COM, DTU Wind Energy
15:45 - 17:00

This session gives state-of-art presentations within recent research topics in aerodynamics. The session covers aspects such as conceptual design and optimization of wind turbine blades, analyses of the influence of leading-edge roughness on laminar/turbulent transition, and investigations on the aerodynamics of wing tips.
Henning G. Jensen, Project Director, NerWind Services
Identify and fix aerodynamic rotor imbalances
Mads Aagaaard Madsen, PhD Student, DTU
Multipoint high-fidelity CFD-based aerodynamic shape optimization of a 10 MW wind turbine
Özge Sinem Özçakmak, PhD Student, DTU
Laminar-turbulent transition prediction on wind turbine blade section by high frequency microphone measurements
Christian Athit Bak Christensen, Student, DTU
Reduction of induced drag on low aspect ratio wing by alteration of wingtips
Jaime Yikon Liew, Research Assistant, DTU
Active tip deflection control for wind turbines
15:45 - 17:00
New standardized test methods for hydraulic pitch cylinders

Standardization is one of the headline activities in the wind sector at the moment. This session presents commitment beyond what is normally achievable; The hydraulic pitch supply chain has joined forces in a project that aims to:
- Investigate how various identified root causes affect the wear and lifetime of cylinders
- Develop systematic methods for testing fluid power pitch cylinders based on realistic operating conditions
The project embraces all levels of the supply chain and competing companies on every level. Hear more about project content, ambitions and different company motivations for participating.
Henrik Clemmensen Pedersen, Professor, Aalborg University
Investigation of lifetime limiting factors for pitch cylinders for wind turbines
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Research Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Gains on working with the competition and across the supply chain
René Vølcker, Technical Manager, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Supplier benefits also in other sectors
Anja Pedersen, Senior Advisor, Danish Wind Industry Association
15:45 - 17:00
Closing the price and technology gap between now and the zero-subsidy future

The zero-subsidy future will be upon the industry in a few years, which means that the industry needs to push itself to the next level to maintain the competitiveness of wind power in the future energy system. But where is that next level and which path should the industry choose? For years, the value chain has seen an increased price pressure, and if the road to a subsidy free future doesn’t show other paths, many companies will probably be forced to take the next highway exit out of the industry.
The industry has been focusing on LCoE reductions for years and probably will continue to do so, but the next level is also about increasing the value of wind in the energy system, where wind plays a more vital role in the future.
The big question for this session is how we create the perfect combination of continued LCoE reductions and increased value of wind through technology and supply chain development, in order to bridge the price and technology gap between now and the zero-subsidy future.
Torben Hvid Larsen, CTO, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind (TBC)
Mads-Ole Astrupgaard, CEO, Fritz Schur Technical Group
Sune Strøm, Senior Manager Regulatory Affairs, Ørsted
Lars Kristensen, Senior Vice President, Bladt Industries
Thomas Poulsen, PhD, Aalborg University
John Korsgaard, Senior Director, Engineering Excellence, LM Wind Power
Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind Industry Association
15:45 - 17:00
Wind resources: Data and models - insight! (II)

In this double-session, leading wind resource experts from the Danish wind industry will share recent insights they have obtained from their deep knowledge of and experience with data and models over many years.
There can be some unusual behavior seen in data, a model that did not behave as expected, a data set that did not confirm current ideas, or some other surprising fact or outcome. These sessions will include onshore and offshore cases, simple and very complex models.
Hans E. Jørgensen, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy
20 years of remote sensing: lessons learned
Cecilie Langhals, Specialist, COWI
Pragmatic approach to overcoming unusual wind phenomena in relation to yield assessment
Per Nielsen, Manager, EMD International
When models need to be twisted
Jakob Mann, Professor, DTU
Wind: Some of the things we learned from Perdigao
Lars Landberg, Director; Group Leader, Renewables; Strategic Research and Innovation, DNV GL