• Charlie Morecraft

    Keynote speaker

    Charlie Morecraft has 27 years of experience at Exxon Oil Refinery, as a worker and manager of safety. For the past 16 plus years he has traveled extensively doing presentations for major corporations, Public utilities, Civic groups, as well as other non-profit organizations.

    Speaker in the sessions
    • 09:40 - 10:30 Remember Charlie
      In 1980, Charles T. Morecraft was an employee of Exxon Corporation. He was a good employee ­ both in the eyes of his union and in the eyes of his management, but otherwise he was unremarkable. He was just like hundreds of thousands of other blue-collar workers. He never considered himself exceptional. He was "just one of the boys".

      Charlie had more than 15 years experience on the job, and he knew it well. He knew all the rules. He knew all the safety regulations . . . and he knew all the shortcuts around them too. Yes, Charlie was just like all the other seasoned workers at the refinery; he was certain that nothing could go wrong when he was in control. And he was right ….. Except for this one time.
      12:25 - 12:50 Talk and engagement session, Slido Q&A
      At TFZ 2019 we will engage together in the experience of growing our safety leadership. We will do this through crowd sourcing questions from you. Each of the three conference engagement sessions will be based on your submitted questions. With the Slido Q&A platform you will have the opportunity to provide questions for steering the conversations. When you have submitted a question our moderator will have it in his pool of questions to aid the conversation.
      Word clouding
      As further ways of us engaging together, we will have an open poll in which you can submit those words and key takeaways which are top of your mind from presentations and engagement sessions. The word cloud will be live during the entire conference and used as a supplement in the engagement sessions.
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