• Andy Powrie

    Director, AKT Productions Ltd.

    Andy is Managing Director of AKT, responsible for writing and designing workshops, programmes and films. Andy’s safety and security programmes are run in the UK, Europe, Asia and the USA by AKT, and are licensed to ACT Australia and Theatre at Work, Ireland.  
    For the past 25 years Andy has been a designer and writer of theatre-based interactive learning and development programmes and films. His portfolio of work includes hundreds of drama-based programmes for clients as diverse as the Home Office, AWE, British Airways, BG, Crossrail, Mace, Network Rail, Shell, International Atomic Energy Agency and many others. Audiences for his work range from Director General and CEO level, through management to operational and frontline staff. He creates programmes that mirror the complexities of organisational cultures and which engage and challenge workshop participants.
    Andy has a BA Honours Degree in English and Drama from London University, a Performance Arts Degree at Drama Studio and a BSc Honours degree in Psychology.  Andy is a Member of the British Psychological Society, a Member of the Society of Authors and a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.  He is a Member of the European Association for Aviation Psychologists and is currently undertaking a Masters in Safety and Human Factors in Aviation.

    • 09:00 - 09:15 The Mousehole
      How do we know our people are working safely?  Have we established a safety culture on all our sites that ensures people never take risks with their lives?  Are our projects sufficiently resourced?  These are just some of the questions raised in this highly dramatic live action scenario set on an oil rig in the North Sea. This provocative session shows the worst possible consequence of having no answers to those questions.
      11:05 - 11:20 Debriefing on the Mousehole
      The talk will discuss the opening act and what the scenes from the real world can teach us about operating in a safe manner and ensuring that people act safely.
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