• Mikkel Christoffersen

    Startup Partner, Odense Robotics

    Mikkel Christoffersen is CEO at Odense Robotics. He has more than 15 years of experience working at intersection between tech and business, with an extensive background from commercial positions within the enterprise software industry. He is passionate about facilitating innovation and growth by bringing people and businesses together, and he is driven by a strong personal interest in tech, business and leadership trends. Mikkel holds a Master of Science degree from Aalborg University, Denmark. 

    Speaker for following sessions
    • 12:00 - 14:30 Robots as a Tool
      The Conference is in English.

      12.00 - 12.05: Welcome and Introduction
      Moderator: Jacob Haugaard Christiansen, Journalist, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark

      12.05 - 12.15: Denmark’s Robotics Industry – Bringing Technologies to New Domains
      Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO, Odense Robotics
      Internationally recognised as one of the world’s leading robot nations, Denmark pioneers within research, development and commercialisation of robot, automation and drone technologies. The country’s deep research expertise combined with strong development and commercial activities means that Denmark is making important contributions to extending the application of robotics technologies to an ever-increasing range of domains and industries. Whereas traditionally robots were confined to the factory floor, now robots are solving important tasks in healthcare, logistics, retail and more. Learn about Denmark’s robot and drone industry – and how researchers and companies are bringing robots to new domains.

      12.05 - 12.30: Software and IoT for Robotic Applications
      Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Professor, SDU Software Engineering, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
      Internet of things (IoT) technologies are enabling new data-driven insights about the world. At the same time advancement in robotics is enabling us to act on the insights. This talk explores the opportunities for creating new solutions by applying software technology to connect IoT technologies with robotic action in context of the FacilityCobot project.

      12.30 - 12.45: A New Tool for Flexible Automation
      Lars-Peter Ellekilde, CEO, Enabled Robotics
      Combining the flexibility of a robot arm, the mobility of an autonomous mobile robot and an easy-to-use software creates a new level of flexibility and allows to automate a new range of applications. This presentation will introduce the solution of Enabled Robotics, the technologies and give examples of applications.

      12.45 - 13.00: From Industry to Healthcare
      Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute,University of Southern Denmark
      Healthcare robotics builds upon many of the technology development within the industrial domain. This talk will present some of the key enabling technologies needed in the healthcare domain and how these can be transferred from the industrial domain.

      13.00 - 13.15: ROPCA Ultrasound Scanner
      Anders B. H. Christensen, AI & Software Engineer, ROPCA
      The ARTHUR scanner by ROPCA is an automatic ultrasound scanner of finger and wrist joint. It is used to scan rheumatoid arthritis patients. The technology used in ARTHUR builds upon advanced image processing and robotic motion generation algorithms. This talk will focus on how ROPCA uses some of the technology used in industry to create a solution in the healthcare domain.

      13.15 - 13.30: GENIUS: Using 5G to Fly Drones together in U-Space
      Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Professor and Head of SDU UAS Centre, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
      GENIUS aims to develop a novel 5G UAS network, optimized for 3D coverage of the lower airspace and providing a safe and reliable U-space where drones can fly safely side by side with manned aviation. This talk will present the main concepts in the project, which brings together major players such as Ericsson, TDC Net, and Naviair, in use cases that will be demonstrated by Lorenz Technology and by the Danish EPA.

      13.30 - 13.45: Innovation Meets Reality: The Role of Compliance in Drone Operations
      Cedric Burg, Innovation Manager, Lorenz Technology
      Lorenz Technology develops intelligent drone solutions that enable organizations to make informed decisions and automate processes. In this talk, Lorenz Technology will explain how it leverages the GENIUS project to develop new technologies to comply with drone legislation and make drone operations safer, more efficient, and more autonomous.

      13.45 - 14.05: Human-Robot Interaction as a general factor in the use of robotics
      Oskar Palinko, Associate Professor, SDU Robotics, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
      Introduction to the DAnish Human-Robot Interaction Network (DAHRIN)

      14.05 - 14.30: Panel discussion
      Moderator: Jacob Haugaard Christiansen, Journalist, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark

      14.30: End of conference session
    • 09:30 - 14:30 Innovation Board - Landbrug og Gartneri
      The Conference is in Danish.

      Moderator: Søren Elmer Kristensen, Projektdirektør, Odense Robotics

      Del 1 – præsentation og panel
      09.30    Velkomst v. Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO Odense Robotics

      09.35     Introduktion til udfordringerne inden for landbrugs- og gartneribranchen.
      Hvor kan teknologi spille en afgørende rolle i fremtiden?
      Eric Wanscher, Head of Knowledge Center, Automation and Robotics, SDE College

      09.50     Case 1. Farmdroid og kunde (to be announced)
      Overvejelserne og startskuddet til investering i robotten – hvordan er det gået?
       Kristian Vest Warming, Co-Founder – Farmdroid

      10.10     Case 2: Klitgaard Agro og Sprøjtedronen fra Hecto Drone.
      Overvejelserne og startskuddet til investering i droneteknologi – hvordan er det gået?
      Michael Bundgaard, Ejer - Klitgaard Agro, og Andreas Siggaard, CEO Hecto Drone.

      10.30     Hvor er Vertical Farming? – Cases fra Danmark
      Hvor langt er vi i Danmark, og hvor ligger mulighederne for automation?
      Claus Mortensen, Business Development Manager, Dansk Vertical Farming Netværk, del af Food & Bio Cluster Denmark

      10.45     Fremtidens teknologiske muligheder i branchen
      Nye trends og tendenser samt præsentation af konkrete udviklingscases inden for landbrug og gartneri.
      Rune Hahn Kristensen, seniorkonsulent, Teknologisk Institut, Center for Robotteknologi

      Henrik Skov Midtiby, PhD og Lektor, Syddansk Universitet, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

      11.10     Paneldebat: Hvordan løfter vi i flok?

      Kristian Warming, CEO & Co-founder, Farmdroid
      Andreas Siggard, CEO, Hecto Drone
      Michael Bundgaard, Klitgaard Agro
      Nicolai Fog Hansen, sektionsleder, Teknologisk Institut
      Anders Christian Halberg, Chefkonsulent, Patriotisk Selskab
      Claus Mortensen, Business Development Manager, Dansk Vertical Farming Netværk

      Debat om, hvordan vi med vores forskellige roller kan bidrage til at udbrede nye teknologier i branchen. Eksempler på emner:
      • Landbrug, gartneri og vertical farming – herunder bud på nye samarbejder og metoder for hurtigere implementering
      • Investering og business case i ny teknologi
      • Udfordringer for innovation i branchen, herunder lovgivning i forhold til autonom kørsel/flyvning
      12.00  Frokostpause og netværk

      Del 2 - Demonstrationsområde
      13.00     Fokus på afprøvning og udvikling
      • Kort intro til robot-og teknologivirksomhederne
      • Afprøvning/demonstration af robotter og andre teknologier på pladsen
      • Dialog og matchmaking mellem branchens aktører og teknologileverandørerne
      • Netværk
      14.30     Demonstrations- og afprøvningspladsen lukker
    • 13:30 - 14:30 Partnerskaber i Verdens bedste robotby i børnehøjde
      The Conference is in Danish.

      Moderator: Hanne Dollerup, direktør, Børne-og ungeforvaltningen, Odense Kommune

      Kom og hør, hvorfor børn og unge i Verdens bedste robotby er et vigtigt fælles fokus. Mød Hanne Dollerup, direktør for Børn- og Ungeforvaltningen i Odense Kommune, der fortæller om den ambitiøse vision for børn og unge i Robotbyen. Se gode eksempler på, hvordan  engagerede virksomheder samarbejder med skoler og uddannelsesinstitutioner om at dyrke et rigt økosystem i Verdens bedste robotby, og hør mere om muligheder for samarbejder og partnerskaber.

      Verdens bedste robotby – et børneperspektiv
      Hanne Dollerup, Adm. Direktør, Børn og Ungeforvaltningen, Odense Kommune

      Værdiskabelse gennem partnerskaber om robotbyens børn- og unge
      Mikkel Christoffersen, CEO, Odense Robotics

      Partner i Verdens Bedste Robotby: sådan møder MIR robotbyens børn og unge
      Denise Innocenti, Group Marketing Manager, MIR
      Freja Hanmer, Software Engineer, MIR

      Robotbyens børn på banen: elever fra 6B pitcher deres projekt for virksomheden Oxygen.
      Maria Navntoft Henningsen, projektleder Coding Class, UngOdense
      Elever fra 6B, Kroggårdsskolen,
      Lene Egelykke Pedersen, lærer,  Kroggårdsskolen
      Claus Tjelum Winther, Partner, Oxygen,

      Dialog og refleksioner – fælles fremtid?
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