• Mads Jørgensen

    CEO, Upteko

    Speaker for following sessions
    • 13:00 - 14:30 Succesfuld produktudvikling via innovationssamarbejde DEL 2
      The Conference is in Danish.

      Vækstprogrammerne DigitaliseringsBoost og Digital Omstilling – Innovationssamarbejder har givet over 150 virksomheder medfinansiering til at udvikle nye produkter, koncepter eller salgs- eller service platforme inden for digitalisering og Industri 4.0 i et interessant set-up i samarbejde med en anden virksomhed (eller flere andre) og en videninstitution. 
      Hør 8 spændende virksomheder fortælle om deres produktudviklingsforløb. Hvad de har udviklet, sammen med hvem og hvad det har betydet for dem at indgå i et innovationssamarbejde som dette. Hør også hvilke muligheder din virksomhed har med Erhvervshus Fyn og Erhvervshusene.

      Oplægget er delt i to sessions med 4 cases i hver session.

      Session 2

      Projektleder Lars Kristensen, Erhvervshus Fyn

      Digitalisering af holdbarhedsbestemmelse af fødevarer
      COO Kim Gram, AmiNIC ApS
      Inspektion af skibe ved hjælp af droner
      Adm. dir. Mads Jørgensen og kommerciel direktør Benjamin Mejnertz, Upteko ApS

      Software development in the satellite industry – the future of testing enabled by drones
      Head of Software Rasmus Hasle og COO Søren Aarhus, Quadsat

      Skylark IoT Serie
      CEO Frank Max Laursen og R&D Manager Anders Qvistgaard Sørensen, Micro Technic

      Dine muligheder med Erhvervshus Fyn og Erhvervshusene
      Forretningsudvikler Steen Nymann Andersen, Erhvervshus Fyn

      Gå i dialog med og stil spørgsmål til de 4 virksomheder
    • 12:30 - 14:30 Drones in the Energy Industry
      The Conference is in English.

      Offshore inspections, package deliveries and much more. In these years, drones are making their entrance in the energy industry. In this conference, Energy Cluster Denmark presents the work from a range of active innovation projects that are all about use of drones in the energy industry. 

      12.30 - 13.00: Project 1: Quali-drone
      Jesper Smit, CEO, Quali-Drone ApS
      The Quali-Drone project will develop an automated, drone-based approach to the inspection of surface damage to TP turbine foundations using AI algorithms and digital twins. This project has the potential to save the industry time and money, as well as to improve safety around TPs.
      13:10 - 13.30: Project 3: Offshore Operating Drone (OOD)  
      Benjamin Mejnertz, Partner, Upteko 
      Offshore operations are usually linked with high expense rates as well as severe safety risks for the personnel involved. Maintenance of offshore oil & gas platforms is no exception. 
      To reduce the risks and the costs for such operations, the use of drones with monitoring devices could minimize risk and increase efficiency by reducing the cost of these operations, by identifying the locations where repair and maintenance are needed. The Project “Offshore Operating Drones” aims to monitor oil and gas assets to detect gas-leakage and initiate focused repair campaigns.

      13.30 - 14.00: Auto Compact Marine Growth Remover - ACOMAR
      Jesper Liniger, Assitant Professor, AAU Energy Esbjerg
      Marine growth challenges the structural integrity of offshore structures due to increased hydro dynamical loads. As a consequence, marine growth cleaning on offshore structures has been performed for many years. While the industry has shifted from driver-assisted to cleaning driven by remotely operated vehicles, the process remains costly and ineffective. This presentation explores the possibilities for introducing an increased level of automation for marine growth removal, inspection, and classification using the ACOMAR.

      14.00 - 14.30: Project 2: Flexible Offshore Drone for Wind (FOD4Wind) 
      Mads Jørgensen, CEO, Upteko
      Lars Holm, Head of R&D, Service operations Performance, SiemensGamesa

      By introducing the offshore wind sector to the new service technologies of drone operations the project aims to increase the efficiency of offshore wind parks. The project introduces fully autonomous wind turbine inspections and package deliveries using drones and fixed charging stations on offshore service vessels. With the use of drones the project presents an unseen level of autonomy and speed that will optimize the O&M cost servicing offshore wind turbines, reduce downtime, increase weather window, increase annual energy production, and reduce CO2 emissions, which in total will improve the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). 
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