Thomas Søby
Dansk MetalThomas Søby is 48 years old and has a master degree in Economics from The University of Copenhagen; he has a political, communicative and market oriented mindset. Since 1999, he worked with analysis, strategy, communication and leadership in the public and private sectors.
After finishing his master degree in 1999, while having worked in two ministries first as programmer and later as head of section, Thomas joined Visit Denmark as Analyst. Thomas then joined the National board of industrial injuries as head of section from 2002 until 2006 where he joined the Institute for business Cycles Analysis where he worked as a senior analyst and later as managing director. In 2009, he was hired by Catinét A/S as deputy managing director. In 2010 Thomas joined Voxmeter, where he worked as analysis director and later moved to Landbrug & Fødevarer as head of Research and later as Chief economist, a position he held until his current job as chief economist at the Danish Metalworkers´ union.