Morning brief: Improving working conditions for non-standard workers, including workers on platforms

How does the digital transition and new forms of work affect rights and working conditions of workers? What does it take to secure social security and equal rights for all European workers - including platform workers? And what should be the classification criteria following a rebuttable presumption of an employment relationship and how could this be mainstreamed on a European level? On Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 08:15 to 09:30 the Danish Trade Union Confederation, FH, and 3F - United Federation of Workers in Denmark - cordially invites you to discuss these questions. At the webinar morning brief key European stakeholders will contribute with perspectives on the emergence and development of platform work and atypical working conditions from a legislative, a practical, and an academic point of view. Speakers’ list: - European Parliament perspective by Nikolaj Villumsen, MEP, EMPL Coordinator for The Left Group - European trade union perspective by Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and responsible for non-standard work and the platform economy - Academic perspective by Stijn Broecke, Senior Economist and lead on Future of Work Initiative at the OECD After the three perspectives there will be a debate and Q&A-session. The European Commission represented by Max Uebe, Head of Unit B1 DG EMPL, will round up the debate, present lessons learnt and provide the Commission priorities. The link to the meeting will be sent to you prior to the event. We hope to see you. Best regards, Dorthe Andersen, FH EU-office in Brussels Simon Redder Momsen, 3F EU-office in Brussels

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