24. mai 2018

itelligence AS

Lilleakerveien 2B, 0283 Oslo

8:30 - 9:30
Registrering og frokost
9:30 - 9:45

Morten Arnesen, Vice President Managing Director itelligence Norge
9:45 - 10:30
Future of Production, Exponential Mindset and Disruptive Innovation
Märtha Rehnberg, Partner DareDisrupt
Presentation will be held in English
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
Nortura – Digital transformasjon med SAP som digital kjerne
Terje Veblungsnes, CIO, Nortura
11:30 - 12:00
Introduction to the global itelligence S/4HANA Conversion Practise
Experience-sharing from successful S/4HANA conversions by itelligence. 
itelligence is the digital transformation S/4HANA conversion leader.
Hear why from Sadi Fieldsend, Senior Director, itelligence US

Presentation will be held in English
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:35
Human Capital Management

13:00-13:25 | How can itelligence support HR and Managers with digital applications?
Learn how to update your company's HR processes and get introduced to itelligence's experience from different companies' transformation journey. 
v/ Mikael Gjesing, Principal Project Manager, itelligence [Presentation will be held in English]

13:35-14:00 | How do you ensure that your company's HR data is correct?
Watch a live demo of it.data guardian showing you how to get the right HR data foundation in place. 
v/ Michael Nørgaard, Director, HCM Foundation & Products, itelligence

14:10-14:35 | WalkMe
With a Digital Adoption Platform from WalkMe, your company will raise your standards for training, impact the digital workforce and deliver next generation customer experience. We’ll introduce you to the platform and a case from Denmark, where Chr. Hansen is combining SAP SuccessFactors and WalkMe to close the digital gap between everyday life and work.
v/ Mark Carroll, Management Consultant, itelligence & Michael Nørgaard, Director, HCM Foundation & Products, itelligence [Presentation will be held in English]

13:00 - 14:35
Digital Transformation

13:00-13:25 | NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster: The use of artificial intelligence in sea lice management
How use of cutting edge technologies like AI and Big Data help reduce medication for controlling Sea Lice for the benefit of the environment and reduction of cost
- Norwegian Seafood industry produce 37 million meals every day
- Value of farmed salmon appx 50 BNOK / year
- Estimated cost of sea lice treatments is about 7 BNOK / year
v/ Björgólfur Hávarðsson MSc, Innovation Manager, The Seafood Innovation Cluster

13:35-14:00 | Custom Integrated Business Planning Solutions 
How to build entreprise scale planning landscapes that integrate
- Planning with execution flows
- Strategic and Tactical Planning with Operational planning
- Supply with demand
- Finance, Sales, Logistics and Production planning
v/ Stefan Sørensen, Director, Digital Business, itelligence [Presentation will be held in English]

14:10-14:35 | Hvordan starter digitaliseringsreisen? Hvordan kommer du i gang? Se med live fra SAP Experience Center i København
v/ Stian Fraas Vogsborg, Sales Executive, itelligence & Thomas Madsen, Head of SAP Experience Center Copenhagen, SAP
13:00 - 14:35
Digital Core

13:00-13:25 | SAP S/4HANA Migration
Learn what is important to consider regarding a migration to SAP S/4HANA. Continued elaborations from the keynote presentation.
v/ Sadi Fieldsend, Senior Director Customer Engagements, itelligence US & Leif Petter Haagestad, Senior Director Solution Advisory, itelligence [Presentation will be held in English]

13:35-14:00 | SAP S/4HANA Migration Continued

14:10-14:35 | Customer transformation case studies and the journey from Product-company to As-a-service company 
Learn how Hitachi has helped customers and Hitachi itself, transform and become Digital, Services-driven and Outcome focused, using IoT. 
v/ Tony Franck, EMEA North Solution Lead for Enterprise Cloud and SAP HANA, Hitachi Vantara [Presentation will be held in English]

14:35 - 15:05
15:05 - 15:35
Business Analytics Front-end Battle
Jacob Orup Lund, Director Business Analytics itelligence
Presentation will be held in English
15:35 - 16:05
Innovation Experiments
Thomas Nørmark, Director Innovation & Technology itelligence
Presentation will be held in English
16:05 - 16:15
16:15 - 17:00

Med bespisning og drikke
Konferansen er åpen for alle våre kunder, potensielle kunder og partnere som sponser arrangementet. Vi forbeholder oss derfor retten til å avvise registrering og deltagelse fra noen utenfor målgruppen.

Gratis påmelding! Meld deg på i dag og vær sikker på å få plass!


Jacob Lund
.... Les mer
Thomas Nørmark

  Les mer
Märtha Rehnberg
.... Les mer
Terje Veblungsnes



Se hvordan det så ut på itelligence Nordic Conference 2017!

Videoer fra konferensen 2017

Thomas Nørmark, itelligence, snakker om IoT på itelligence Nordic Conference 2017
Flemming Busk, itelligence, snakker om Business Analytics på itelligence Nordic Conference 2017
Niels-Keller Larsen, Haldor Topsoe, snakker om digitalisering på itelligence Nordic Conference 2017
Michael Sorensen, JYSK, snakker om digitaligering på itelligence Nordic Conference 2017


itelligence AS

Lilleakerveien 2B, 0283 Oslo

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