12:15 - 12:45
Project Greensand: Modelling of CO2 in the subsurface – predictions and input to monitoring and verification plan
INEOS Energy and partners in the Greensand project is currently evaluating the CO2 storage potential in the Paleocene-Eocene sandstones of the Siri fairway in the Danish North Sea. A pilot test injection of CO2 in the Nini West depleted oil field was performed in early 2023.
Prior to injection, dynamic modelling was carried out to predict reservoir pressures, expected CO2 saturations around the wellbore, and subsurface CO2 behaviour during and after the injection period. The modelling thereby formed an integrated part to design monitoring activities and verification plans.
Predictive dynamic modelling will be calibrated, and quality assured by data from other monitoring activities such as records of reservoir pressure and imaging of the CO2 plume from seismic data. In a full-scale project, deviations from the modelled CO2 behaviour may lead to changes in the injection scheme and trigger additional monitoring and/or mitigation activities.