09:45 - 10:15
Offshore pipeline CO2 transport and the opportunity to re-purpose existing pipelines for CCS upscaling
Rasmus Ortmann, Lead Business Developer, Carbon Transport and Storage Development at Ørsted will touch upon the journey from transporting natural gas to participating in the green transition by potentially re-purposing existing offshore pipeline infrastructure for CO2 transport.
Exemplified by Project Bifrost we will look at technical challenges and possibilities we face in re-purposing existing Natural Gas pipelines, e.g. integrity, reversing the flow, capacity, not-metallic parts exposed to CO2, CO2 specifications and standards etc.
Additionally, we will look into a supporting on-shore infrastructure; a generic Port offloading terminal, temporary on-shore storage, new onshore pipeline connected to the offshore pipelines transporting CO2 to the North Sea storages. What are the technical challenges and opportunities we face in an onshore infrastructure, e.g. space requirements, safety, dispersion calculations, permitting, scaling etc.?
When investigating the CO2 transport infrastructure value chain it becomes apparent not only to have a local project perspective, but also a Danish and European perspective. A Danish perspective that ensures CO2 capture, effective transportation and permanent storage from Danish emitters (not only the big ones), but also a perspective that facilitates Denmark and the rest of the North Sea region as a European CO2-hubs for permanent CO2 storage.