• beHOP

    beHOP as a company is on a mission to make the process of hiring remote talent effortless. There are many things to be solved, things like, compliance, work-life balance, remote culture and many more. We chose to focus on the most urgent problems, compensation, and the ability to find relevant candidates in previously unexplored locations. 

    We talked with 18 different HR professionals about what their daily frustrations are, and consistently among the top problems are related to compensation and finding relevant talent. When it comes to compensation most of them use a combination of several tools to cover as many countries as possible. Even by combining several tools like Glassdoor and Payscale, they have access to accurate salary data in only 20 countries. 

    Until recently it was not a problem for remote companies to find all the talent they needed in those 20 countries. However now, many organization changed their policies towards a remote workforce, and those 20 countries became super competitive so now remote businesses are forced to look in places where they don’t have reliable salary data, like eastern Europe and central Asia and many more. The problem is that they don't have reliable data and they don't know who to trust when find relevant candidates.

    Furthermore, there is a fundamental difference in how companies compensate remote talent VS the local market level. When companies hire a remote candidate on top of the usual characteristics like skill, experience, and the title, they care a great deal about their location, time zones, English skill level, and previous remote work experiences. Depending on where you look the remote salaries can be up to double in size compared to local. Current salary providers don’t make this distinction, resulting in incorrect remote offers.

    To help HR professionals be confident in setting fair compensation offers we want to create a trustworthy salary information source that provides insights into salary levels worldwide and we want to facilitate the process of hiring remote candidates in new locations.

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