• Martin Ernst


    2021.AI serves the growing enterprise need for full management and oversight of applied Artificial Intelligence. Our data science expertise, combined with the Grace AI Platform, offers a real AI differentiator for clients and partners worldwide. Grace helps data scientists solve some of the most complex business challenges while also providing organizations with the most comprehensive data and AI Governance capability for responsible, transparent, and trustworthy model development. 2021.AI is headquartered in Copenhagen, with employees in five locations globally. 2021.AI was shortlisted as one of ten finalists of the Global Veritas Challenge organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and Accenture. 2021.AI submitted a solution demonstrating how fairness can be incorporated into the algorithm development, testing, and data handling process using their platform, Grace. The solution ensures no unknown or unintended biases exist while protecting financial institutions against potential fraud. 2021.AI delivered a scalable solution that can become a benchmark for AI fairness.

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