• Trine Hoffensetz Winther

    Omnipod - social podcasting

    Omnipod is the first real social media for podcasting - in short, we're Instagram for sound and we're on a mission to make podcasting a truly social experience for everyone. Today’s podcasting apps and platforms are for the 2-3% - Omnipod is for the rest! The world is craving a new kind of social media. Forget all the fluff. Forget the polished and filtered photos and videos that broadcast a ‘perfect lifestyle’ that very few can actually keep up with. Let’s go back to basics and put the authentic human at centre stage. Omnipod provides a social media that allow us to communicate and connect through the one thing that really make us human – language. OmniPod provides a community for podcasters and podcast listeners where they can interact with each other in one platform. Rather than recording in one platform, editing in another, publishing and listening in a third - and communicating in a different platform altogether. With Omnipod you can do it all in one place.

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