Nina Nissilä
Valtiokonttori (State Treasury of Finland) FinlandI am a leader with passion in digitalization, transformation and human centricity in IT. I love creating new business opportunities via disruptive thinking. My mission is to change the world; even one person, one disruption or one transformation at a time if nothing else helps. I believe that to be able to cross the chasm in any change or innovation one has to understand how to touch the human soul. My versatile experience in IT business and the knowledge both in legacy and modern technology has helped me to create and execute realistic, viable and yet ambitious business visions and opportunities where human behavior is in center. EXPERTISE: • Human behaviour in digitalization • Design thinking • Business strategy and leadership • Transformation execution • Go-to-Market process • Lean startups and disruptive innovations • Program management In Twitter: @NinaNissila In Instagram: @ninanissila