• Krzysztof Marycz

    Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Marycz, Ph.D., D. Sc., PTMReg.,


    • The UC Davis Executive Leadership Program (2021).
    • Professor of Medical biology (Professor full) - The University of Opole, Poland 2019. Thesis title: “Stem cells and theranostics - two powerful instruments in regenerative medicine.”
    • Arizona State University (2019) - Applying research skills for graduate studies. “How to effectively teach academic skills”.
    • Collegium Wratislaviense (2018) - Certified Tutor for an academic career and higher education.
    • D. Sc Medical biology – The University of Opole, Poland, 2014. Thesis title: “Evaluation of the regenerative potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal stem cells (ASCs), and the study of their interactions with the selected implantation materials for regenerative medicine”.
    • Ph.D. Biology science – cell biology, molecular biology, ultrastructure, cell culture, Wroclaw University, Poland, 2008.
    • M.S. Biology science – cell biology, The Environmental and Life Science University, Wroclaw, Poland, 2005.

    • Visiting Professor, Department of Medicine and Epidemiology UC Davis, CA 95516 – now.
    • Full Professor, Department of Experimental Biology, Wroclaw Environmental and Life Science University, Wroclaw, Poland. 2019- now.
    • Associate Professor, Genetic Laboratory, The Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior (CSK MSWiA), Warsaw, Poland. 2016-2019.
    • Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine, Justus-Liebig-University, 35392 Giessen, Germany. 2014-2016.
    • Assistant Professor, Department of Experimental Biology, Wroclaw Environmental and Life Science University, Wroclaw, Poland. 2010-2014
    • Specialist. Department of bioimaging and electron microscope, Wroclaw Research Center, EIT+, Poland. 2009-2013.

    Speaker til følgende sessioner
    • 11:30 - 12:00 Superoxidant and postbiotic as a novel nutri-therapeutic factor in equine nutrition (firmaforedrag v/St. Hippolyt)

      In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in endocrine diseases, such as insulin resistance or equine metabolic syndrome (EMS).
      Insulin resistance is one of the main components of metabolic syndrome, on the other hand, oxidative stress has been recognized as a critical mechanism in insulin resistance development.
      Bioactive substances and natural antioxidants are receiving more and more attention in this regard.

      Gut microbiota growth and metabolism are mediated mainly by wide range of bioactive metabolites named postbiotics.

      Our findings strongly suggest that postbiotics in combination with Astaxanthin increases liver cells’ viability and protect against apoptosis in liver of EMS horses. Postbiotics reduced oxidative stress and enhanced mitochondrial metabolism and dynamics.

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