Svenja Springer
Dr.med.vet., Messerli Research Institute, University of ViennaSvenja Springer has been a university assistant at the Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal Studies at the Messerli Research Institute in Vienna since 2021. She graduated in veterinary medicine from the Vetmeduni Vienna in 2014. From 2014 to 2018, she investigated Austrian veterinarians’ attitudes towards euthanasia in the course of a doctoral program at the Vetmeduni Vienna. From 2017 to 2022, she was enrolled in a double PhD program at the University of Copenhagen and worked on her research project The Internal Morality of the Veterinary Profession: An Empirically Informed Ethical Analysis of Modern Small Animal Practice. This project focused on an empirical investigation of ethical challenges that emerge due to various developments in small animal practice including the examination of pet health insurance, the use of internet resources in the veterinary context as well as veterinarians’ decision ethics orientations during clinical consultation. Springer is currently working on an international project on pet owners’ expectations of modern small animal practice. Further, she received a research funding to empirically investigate the growing field of hospice and palliative care in small animal practice, which began in July 2022.
Speaker til følgende sessioner-
09:50 - 10:30 Modern Small Animal Practice – Changes, Chances and Ethical Challenges due to the recent Advances of a Profession