• Alexander Harrison

    Researcher Fellow, University of York

    Dr Alexander Harrison - Researcher Fellow at the University of York and the UK National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation.
    Dr Harrison has worked at the University of York for 7 years, in which time he has been a key component of the National Audit in how it has report on, monitored and driven service improvement in cardiac rehabilitation. He is part of the National Certification programme for Cardiac Rehabilitation steering group that certifies programmes-based quality. He has also published over 30 primary research articles in the area of cardiac rehabilitation and patient outcomes.

    Taler til følgende sessioner
    • 11:45 - 12:45 How can clinicians use data to improve rehabilitation practice?
      There is a great need for clinical knowledge and strategies on how to keep enhancing rehabilitation services. Since the conception of the database, the UK National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation (NACR) in 2007, monitoring, reporting and driving service improvement has been the number one priority. The audit collects data on over 200 services that are based in hospital or in the community. Cardiac Rehabilitation in the UK is delivered by a multidisciplinary team, including physiotherapists that are present in over 64% of services (NACR 2019). 

      Cardiac Rehabilitation in the UK is driven by the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation that is a collection of clinicians and academics. This organisation is vital in supporting services and emphasising the importance of the data, with their seventh and final standard being Audit and Evaluation (BACPR 2017). In 2015, the BACPR, in partnership with the NACR, set out to produce a method of verifying service quality. This has transformed into the National Certification Programme for Cardiac Rehabilitation (NCP_CR) that is run routinely and awards quality service with recognition and accolade on multiple websites.

      Since the implementation of the NCP_CR and wider local reporting there has been a 30% improvement service quality in the UK. Physiotherapists plays a pivotal role in this improvement as they evaluate routine practice, monitor patient improvements and thereby drives forward practice. In Denmark, a demand for gathering data on national rehabilitation services are evolving.  

      Based on expertise from the NACR, Dr Alex Harrison will share knowledge on how to drive service improvements from real-life clinical data. With the explosion of innovation in all areas of healthcare the past years routine care has diverged from the evidenced based modes into many alternative models. It is because of this seismic change in the delivery that all services should strive to collect data and conduct real-time evaluations to maintain and enhance quality – both locally and nationally.

      Core Message
      In 2020/21 there has been an explosion in the innovation of all aspects of healthcare. Traditional methods of service evaluation, such as with trials cannot keep up with pace, routine databases have the capacity to evaluate, in real-time, to evaluate what works. In Denmark, as with the UK, databases in cardiac rehabilitation can be used to monitor service delivery. In the UK, clinicians entering data over the last 14 years have led to reductions in waiting times and better outcomes for patients.


      Alexander Harrison

      Lars Hermann Tang, physiotherapist and associate professor the research unit PROgrez Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals & The Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark

      Lars Hermann Tang

      Se præsentation
    • 09:55 - 11:25 Rehabilitating after Heart and lung diseases: how to improve patient participation
      • Vi har brug for kliniske strategier der imødeser kendte rehabiliteringsbarriere til at øge patientdeltagelsen i hjerte- og lungerehabilitering
      • Alternative leveringsmodeller bør implementeres i praksis men er ikke den eneste nødvendige løsning på den aktuelle udfordring.
      Selvom rehabilitering efter hjerte og lungesygdom er vist effektiv og anbefales i adskillige kliniske retningslinjer er patientdeltagelsen lav. Årsagerne for den manglende deltagelse er mange. Grundet fysioterapeuters centrale rolle i hjerte/lungerehabiliteringen, påhviler der fremadrettet en stor opgave i at imødekomme patienters individuelle behov samt reducere kendte organisatoriske barrierer for at øge patientdeltagelsen i disse interventioner. 

      Dette symposium vil øge indsigten i/om årsager og barrierer for deltagelse og frafald i hjerte og lunge rehabilitering og det diskuteres, hvordan denne viden kan implementeres i klinisk praksis. Yderligere diskuteres om brugen af alternative leveringsmodeller kan være løsningen på dele af udfordringerne? 

      Symposiet vil inddrage en stor grad af deltagerinvolvering bl.a. via digital software og peer-to-peer feedback. Dette skal sikre, at publikums forventninger og behov imødegås, generere et stort engagement i de klinisk relevante diskussioner der afholdes undervejs, samt skabe muligheden for at publikum kan dele kliniske erfaringer.

      Lars Hermann Tang: Den faglige problemstilling og tilhørende evidens samt betydningen af den organisatoriske kontekst. 
      Henrik Hansen: Brugen af alternative leveringsmodeller til lungepatienter - herunder betydningen for deltagelse i rehabilitering. 
      Alexander Harrison: Erfaringer fra den engelske hjerterehabiliteringsdatabase som indeholder viden fra mere end 600.000 hjertepatienter, der har deltaget i daglig hjerterehabilitering over hele England. Patienternes oplevelse af nuværende tilbud vil desuden blive adresseret. 

      Symposiet vil benytte sig af elektroniske afstemninger. For at deltage kan du enten;
      1) deltag via din internet browser via www.pollev.com, indtast REHAB og vent på at afstemningen bliver aktiveret,
      2) Deltag via app ved at downloade appen "Poll Everywhere" fra App Store eller Google Store. Indtast herefter REHAB og venter på at afstemningen bliver aktiviseret.

      NB: App-løsningen er den letteste måde..


      • Lektor Lars Hermann Tang, Ph.D, Fysioterapeut. Forskningsenheden PROgrez, Næstved, Slagelse, Ringsted sygehus & Syddansk Universitet
      • Post.doc, Henrik Hansen, Ph.D, Cand.scient.san, Fysioterapeut, Lungemedicinsk Forskningsenhed, Hvidovre Hospital
      • Postdoc Alexander Harrison, Ph.D, Statistikker, National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Department of Health Sciences, University of York
      Lars Hermann Tang

      Lars Hermann Tang
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